𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 [ᴊᴊᴋ ᴘᴏᴠ]

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My plans for today were: watch a k-drama while eating ramen, wait until Taehyung comes home, cuddle. But the universe was planning against it.

I had just finished preparing my cup noodles, just the way I like to eat them. But, my dumbass was not watching where I was going and ended up stubbing my toe. I doubled over in pain and dropped the noodles. I felt anger rise within me and I turned to the wall.

"You motherfucker, son of a bitch, what the fuck? Who in the actual hell do you think you are? I will fucking end you motherfucker, you pathetic excuse of a wall. I swear to god your mother would be so disappointed in the scum bag she raised. Like, what the fuck dude? YOU CAN'T DO SHIT LIKE THAT, I HOPE YOU DI-" My harsh words- aimed at the wall- were stopped as soon as I heard steps rushing to the living room where my boyfriend looked at me worriedly.

"Babe, what happened? Did Jimin try to scare you again? I will kick the midget." He said, but the mocking tone was clear in his tone. But it soon morphed into worry when he looked at my bleeding toenail. "Jungkook, what happened?"

"This stupid ass wall ran into me and now I'm in pain," I stated emotionlessly, still not realizing how stupid I was sounding. Can you blame me for being mad at the wall? No, cause you do the same every time you stub your toe.

"Awwww, is my baby whiny cause he didn't look where he was going so he stubbed his toe, AND dropped his cup noodles." He pouted fakely at me, but again, his eyes were showing adoration as they stared at me. I was in my Cooky pyjamas and we had just come back from a talk show with the rest of the group. And to our luck, the taekook couple could share the room this time. "You're so adorable, I swear, stop. Here, let's go get some tissues and then we can make more ramen, and cuddle."

That itself instantly placed a smile on my face, the thought of having some time for each other was often a dream, but this time it was true. Being idols was too difficult, and we often didn't have time to do couple-y things with each other, except quick kisses here and there, and during choreographies. The company approved of me dating just because it was someone in the group, which doesn't make sense because if we broke up, it would mess the group up. But our boss said he believed that wouldn't happen.

I was so in love with the man in front of me, so entranced with his beauty, that I didn't realize that he had picked me up and put me on the couch. His deep voice was zoned out, and I only came back to my senses when I felt a stinging pain in my foot. I almost kicked my boyfriend's face out of pain but soon stopped myself before I could harm him, I would never forgive myself. Besides the stinging pain, I remembered that my noodles were still on the floor, wasted and lonely.

"I know it hurts a little bit, you almost went to kick me. But it's better if we clean it so it doesn't get an infection, cause you cut kinda bad. You have to be careful baby, I don't like to see your heart." I had spaced out once again but was brought back to earth as the sound of the precious person kneeled in front of me and held my foot with so much pain. "I love you."

"I love you so much more, thank you, baby." I looked at him with so much love I felt disgusted at myself, but at this time, it was what I felt. I never thought someone could love a person this much until we met. It was all because of the time we spent together, the feelings of brotherhood soon turned into romantic feelings. It might seem strange for someone's perspective to change so fast, but it just happens and we can't help it. He is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't change Kim Taehyung for the world.

We just stared at each other, our eyes full of unspoken love and adoration. Our eyes spoke the things our mouths didn't, truly expressing more than words ever could. Shining bright with the galaxies that illuminate them. Loving each other was like a never-ending maze until we found our way out and into each other's hearts. An unspoken pact, both of our faces leaning in at the same times, eyes never breaking the desirable contact. Hands reaching for one another, and interlacing the fingers, his hand engulfing mine. And the moment our lips touched, I was reminded of what real happiness feels like. Something exploding inside my chest, filling me with vibrant colours. Leaving no trace of the unwanted darkness behind. We were each other's remedy and problem-solver. Each other's meaning of life.

It was amazing how something that started so weirdly ended up in such a sweet moment. That's what the realization hit and I heard the snap of a camera going off several times, not even breaking away from the kiss, I untangled one of my hands from the tight embrace, raised it, and put my middle finger up. The snickers coming from the other room proved me right, Hoseok and Jimin. It was until the love of my life raised his middle finger as well and pointed it to the same side of the room and is when I started laughing and broke the kiss.

"You guys do know it's rude to look at a couple when they're trying to have alone time, right? I'm sure if you ever started dating someone, you wouldn't want us on your asses the whole time. Huh? Thought so." I blushed as soon as Taehyung said 'alone time', yes, we had been dating for over six months, but neither of us was ready for that yet. And it was good to know there is no rush.

They giggled and left, leaving the two of us alone. We stared at each other like before, kissed again, and then cuddled until we fell asleep. The sound of snapping cameras waking us again. This time, we just groaned and pulled each other closer, ignored the shushed laughs.

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