Rachel, Percy

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Someone grabbed my shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

It was her: my redheaded nightmare.

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare," I said.

Her jaw dropped like she couldn't believe I had the nerve to remember her name. "And you're Percy somebody. I didn't get your full name last December when you tried to kill me."

"Look, I wasn't - I didn't - What are you doing here?"

"Same as you, I guess. Orientation?"

"You live in New York?"

"What, you thought I lived at Hoover Dam?"

It had never occured to me. Whenever I thought about her (and I'm not saying I thought about her; she just like crossed my mind from time to time, okay?), I always figured she lived in the Hoover Dam area, since that's where I'd met her. We'd spent maybe ten minutes together, during which time I'd accidentally swung a sword at her, she'd saved my life, and I'd run away chased by a band of supernatural killing machines. You know, your typical chance meeting.

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