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"So, what is your answer?"

She was astonished and dumbfounded. How can anyone like the forever good boy Steve Rogers like someone like her?

She did not know.

"Nat, as your friend, I think you should just say yes. According to Stark-boy, he just couldn't stop mentioning about a certain red headed transfer student from Russia."

Right now, she wanted to punch the knowing look on her best friend's stupid face.


Before she could even tell him that as much as she thinks Steve Rogers is a good person, she just did not feel any romantic attractions towards the good looking fellow.

He just didn't seem like her type.

She tried to recall any possible interactions she could have had with Steve Rogers in the past semester, but she could not remember any.

So, how could –

Then the flashes came back. He was the one who had once accidentally knocked over her tray in the cafeteria on her first day of college, the only one who had never looked her in the eyes whenever she passed by him and his group of friends, the one who always stayed behind near the basketball ring to wait for his best friend, James Barnes.

Yes, she had always noticed him, indeed.

But not because of any romantic interest in him, but because he was best friends with the one and only James Barnes.

They were childhood friends, she had learned. And that he used to call him 'Bucky' as a nickname.

She had always thought that 'Bucky' suits James anyway. And it was kinda cute on him.

Bucky Barnes.

Gods, he was so handsome.

And he totally knows this as well. She can tell by the smug smirks he used to wear when girls sighed and ogled his perfect god-like body.




Nice ass.

The list goes on and on. She just could not stop her heart from those furious beatings whenever he was around and talked to her.

She knew that he knew she likes him.

And he totally is not shy to approach and talk to her. And sometimes – flirt with her.

She still remembers that day when he had almost kissed her. It would be her first had he kissed her, which would make it more special.

That day would forever be engraved in the deepest chambers of her heart and would —

". . . And that's why I said your answer is 'yes'."

She stopped thinking at that.

No, he could not possibly –

"I could already make out what your babies would be like, Nat. They would be so cute."

"Barton, repeat that sentence again."

He still could not sense what a whirlwind of emotions he had just caused in her.

"Your babies, Nat. You and Steve would make cute babies. They would be –"

"No, before that. The 'yes' part, repeat that sentence again."

Maybe the furious look on her face was what had cause an immediate pause in his ranting.

Because she was on the verge of breaking his neck right now.


"Tell me, asshole. Tell me that you did not just say 'yes' on my behalf."

Now, he looked sheepish and he cringed, while giving her a sorry look.

"In my defense, Stark was pushing it really hard." He raised both his hands in surrender — "I mean, he literally cornered me and I, of course, had to say 'yes'. Also, Steve Rogers is a good person. And as your best friend, I know he would make a great boyfriend. So, that's why I — ,well . . ."

He shrugged as he gave her a sorry smile.

"I tell Stark that you accept to be Steve Rogers' girlfrie–"

Clint Barton fell on the ground as his face was met by his very furious friend's fist.

Now, Natasha has to deal with not only her bruised knuckles but also, being a girlfriend to Steve Rogers.

Oh, what a day!

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