Chapter - 4

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The long hand of the clock was ticking closer and closer to fifteen and he asked himself if the big white clock which hang loosely on the thick wall was moving a little too fast than normal clocks.

The visiting time would end soon, he knew. But still, he felt sightly bad for not having enough power in his hands to give the little lady a little more time with her father.

He still remember the first time he had seen Natalia. He and his team were given a task to find a Russian man named Nikolai Romanova. He was a drug dealer, a convicted murderer, and he also deal weapons and sold it to different terrorist organizations in Slovakia, Afghanistan and many other countries. It was clear that he was a dangerous man and it was no question that the US government want him gone for good. The government did not care whether he was caught dead or alive but the order was clear, the man need to be stopped.

After months and months of searching (and failing), he finally got some information that the man was in America under a different name.

That was when Natalia came in. He had gone undercover as a leader of a terrorist organization who wanted some Russian made S-400 Missile. It took a little more than a month to have the man finally trust him and they finally talked about business.

He came to know that the man had a daughter named Aliana, and that she was just a normal high school student much like his beloved step son. That changes things, he'd thought as he saw her barged in from inside the front door with her hair sticking to her sweaty face. She was dressed in the same way as normal high schoolers had dressed, in a pair of worn out jeans and a simple tee shirt.

He lowered his gun as she silently met his gaze with her scared doe eyes. Mikhail had rushed down the stairs, probably because he heard the shutting of the door and was panicking as "the cops are after him", as he'd put it.

"Aliana," His face went all red, as he hissed out the name. "To your room. Now!"

The girl rushed up the stairs without looking back and after a moment or two, he heard the slamming of a door.

"You... have a daughter?" He managed to finally speak after a moment.

The big man grabbed him by the collar and slammed him to the wall nearest to him. "No mention of her to anyone. You hear me?" He practically shouted, the veins on his forehead popping out as he went crimson with anger.

He wanted to say yes, to tell him that it was not a big deal. But he was not Phil Coulson, the CIA agent, but he was Johannes Phillips — the leader of a feared terrorist group, the man who tried to make the US bleed.

So, he went into character and let out a cruel chuckle. He wanted to test how far he would go for his daughter. Wanted to see if she'd been violated in any kind of way by her father's friends. That was always the case in most of his missions. The innocents were always the ones who suffered. He hated it.

"Or what, Mikhail? You are not in the position to make any demands like that, much less to lay a finger on me." He shoved him back with a huff, getting into character once again. "Remember who you talk to. I have the power to make you shrivel in fear."

He fixed his black coat and huffed in indignation. "Are you sure she is not for sale as well? I know a man who would love to play dirty with that little —"

His face was met with Mikhail's angry fist and he felt his head spun as he fall down on the floor with blood still dripping out from his nose.

"Then you don't know me at all, Johannes." The man spat, his voice filled with menacing fury. "Nobody touches my daughter. Did you know what I did to the last person who made the same offer as yourself?"

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