Chapter - 6

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She did not know how to explain but their relationship had changed after the night of her breakdown.

They were more open to each other, more funny remarks were passed between each other, and the conversations flow smoothly as well.

Natasha would sometimes share her deepest secrets with him that she had never told anyone and Steve would also tell her about how he sometimes miss his biological father, not that Coulson was bad or anything he'd say but that he truly wish things were different with the way things were left off with his father.

That was how she realised that Steve was more than just a boyfriend to her. He was also a friend, a friend who listens to her and understands her.

She had also realised how wrong she was when judging his character. She had always thought that he was perfect, the poster child of America, the responsible student who never let anyone down.

Oh how wrong she was!

Steve was far from perfect.

He could be very messy, sometimes just throwing his socks and shirts around the house which often earn him a scolding session from Sarah. He also dog eared some of the books he had read which was an insult to the books she was sure, and sometimes too rough while playing soccer with the neighbour kids, often breaking the window glass. He also broods way too much after a scolding session from Sarah, often making her shake her head at him for his mood swings.

But now, she saw this whole new Steve that she had never known, her Steve. Now, she no longer see the always perfect, high class fashionable boy who had everything but all she saw now was a quiet and shy boy who everyone thought was perfect and always have extremely high expectations of.

"Steven Rogers! Don't you dare come in with that dirty football boots and ruin my poor carpets. Take those off of you before you get in."

Natasha put the book on the table beside her as she turned to see Sarah scold a guilty looking Steve.

"You are too old for this, you know. Did I always have to tell you proper manners everyday?" She could tell that Sarah was not amused by her only son. "And what is that horrible horrible smell? Take off those smelly shoes and take a nice long shower to wipe all the dirt off of your skin."

He muttered a "yes, mum. Will do", as he take off his shoes and socks and head up the stairs ignoring her raised eyebrows with a roll of his eyes, obviously ashamed to be scolded by her mother in front of his girlfriend.

She chuckled quietly to herself. He will no doubt brood and overthink about what she would think of him while in the shower, worrying endlessly.

"Argh, he could drive me so crazy sometimes." Sarah sat across from her on the sofa, flicking aimlessly around the remote while shaking her head.

"Nah, I think he is a good boy. He always obeys you without talking back." Natasha replied, amused.

Sarah just hums her approval upon hearing her words. A fond smile appears on her lips as she had a mischievous look on her face. "Did I ever tell you the time Steve and Tony meet?"

Natasha shook her head before leaning in to listen to her. "Tony's mother, Maria was a very good friend of mine and Steve was around four years old when we introduce the boys to each other. You see, I just got a divorce with Steve's biological father and moved to New York... "

She doesn't know why she was acting this forward when it came to Steve or maybe it's just because she knew that he knew about her past and yet, he was acting to her all the same.

Perhaps, he was a little more comfortable around her now that she had open up to him. But still, he was the one and the same Steve Rogers she had known.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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