Chapter - 5

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Her father used to tell her that she was not only bad at dealing with unexpected situations but also that she would probably led them to their deaths with her stuttering and her inexperienced way of handling things.

Like the time in Brisbane when she almost revealed her real identity to a friendly cop who visited their house for 'check-up'.

Her dad had not been amused.

She felt her life flashed before her eyes as she took in Steve's confused gaze and Sarah's raised eyebrows as she probably watched her son interact with her. Her heart thumped and thumped nonstop.

What would Steve think?

Would he loathe her?

Would he stop looking at her the way he had been looking at her for the past few months?

"Hi, I'm Steve." He extended a hand to her, which she took with shaking hands.

Coulson pat Steve's back affectionately, "Have you ever see each other in SHIELD Uni? Natalia also went there, you know."

"Actually, you had never mentioned that before. Which you probably should have already." Steve hissed the words with contained fury, his face tightening as he glared at Coulson.

"What about you, Natalia?" Sarah was probably trying to lighten the situation, glancing back and forth between Steve and Coulson as the two men before them seem to have a silent staring contest before they finally focused their attention to her.

"Y-yes, I've heard of him. He's quite popular." She stuttered, avoiding Steve's penetrating gaze on her.

Steve just gave his parents a tight smile as he let go of her hands as if burnt. She ignored the tightening and heaviness it caused her heart as she forced a smile for Sarah. "Your house is so nice, Mrs Coulson. Thank you for inviting me to stay over."

Mentally berating herself for accepting Coulson's proposal to stay over for the semester break, she took a deep breath and put on a friendly face for the two nicest people she had ever met. She did not want to disappoint them.

Even after knowing how much crimes her father had commited, the way Coulson had look at her never change nor did he ever judge her for mourning for her father's imprisonment. He even went as far as making sure that she did not face the consequences of her father's crime by giving her a brand new identity.

She owed him her life.

And she knew that as much as Coulson and his wife adored her and feel for her, they would not appreciate a murderer's daughter like her to dally with their golden boy.

And that is how she found herself ignoring the questioning and confused glances that Steve had been sending her the whole dinner.

Dinner was light and mostly consist of Sarah making sure she did everything to embarrass Steve in front of her - she was sure Sarah was intentionally picking on him just to make light of the situation- even mentioning the time when Steve used to pose as a model for Maria's Little Angels - which she was sure was Stark's mother's famous fashion show for kids- and the time when he dumped his baby face on the runway. She couldn't help but chuckle as the image of a four year old little Steve falling down the runway was way too cute.

By the time Sarah told Steve to show her to her rooms to retire, she was dreading the conversation that had to take place.

But most of all, she was happy that she did not seem to disappoint Coulson with her manners.

"... and this is the bathroom." Steve showed her the bathroom en suite to the comfy looking guest room she'd be staying. "You can just call me if you have any problems. My room is just across the corner."

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