Bonus Chapter

360 15 3

(9:43 pm) : so today... I finally talked with him

(9:43 pm) : like really talking

(9:44 pm) : he really like me Clint

(9:44 pm) : like, like me

(9:44 pm) : i mean

(9:45 pm) : of course he did

(9:46 pm) : isn't this like, your first week-sary

(9:46 pm) : or something?

(9:47 pm) : whaT?

(9:47 pm) : im talking about bucky

(9:47 pm) : not STEVE

(9:49 pm) : ohh

(9:50 pm) : i thought steve was the boyfriend

(9:50 pm) : not bucky

(9:51 pm) : isn't he like... sleeping with that hot chick?

(9:51 pm) : that was what we were talking about

(9:51 pm) : i even told you today that i was going to talk with him

(9:52 pm) : rosie! yes i remember

(9:52 pm) : were you high again when we talked?

(9:52 pm) : CLINT!

(9:53 pm) : man.. she was hot

(9:53 pm) : what! im a guy and i am not going to deny

(9:53 pm) : are you drunk again?

(9:54 pm) : that rosie is one sexy chick

(9:54 pm) : man

(9:54 pm) : why did that brute always get the hot ones

(9:55 pm) : it's not fair

(9:57 pm) : what am i going to do

(9:58 pm) : I mean

(9:58 pm) : steve's a nice guy

(9:58 pm) : he's cute and sweet

(9:59 pm) : he treats me well

(9:59 pm) : i guess

(10:00 pm) : i don't want to hurt him

(10:00 pm) : you know?

(10:03 pm) : mmhm

(10:04 pm) : but there's bucky

(10:05 pm) : i liked him for almost two years now Clint

(10:05 pm) : two whole years

(10:06 pm) : he's a little shit nat

(10:07 pm) : he'll break your russian heart

(10:08 pm) : i can practically see you moping around in ur room with those big green eyes looking so sad and all teary

(10:09 pm) : not a nice sight if you ask me

(10:10 pm) : darcy's not gonna be good at it. I can't imagine her being sensitive enough to notice

(10:12 pm) : are you just trying bring up about my roommate

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