Chapter - 2

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He was okay. She guessed. More than just okay, if she was to be honest.

No, Steve Rogers was much more than that. He was kind, gentle, handsome and cute, even. And the guy had it all as well. He really was a modern day Prince Charming, as Clint had put it.

But most of all, the thing about Steve that made a lasting impression was that he was not just kind and sweet, but also good.

Steve Rogers was a good person but somehow it made her feel worse - because she still was not interested in him, at least not romantically.

A week had already passed by after she had accidentally barged into the Avengers' lair - the hidden alcove under the main staircase, really-, as Stark had put it and a week of getting to know Steve Rogers.

It was not a terrible experience, getting to know Steve that is.

He was good to her. He did not made her second guess anything, unlike him. He was treating her like a lady should be treated. He was gentle with her.

He was safe.

Any girl would feel happy and elated to be with him, she knew. Any girl would feel special if they were pampered the way she was, she knew.

But not her. All she felt when she was with him was guilt.

Endless guilt.

Because everytime he gave her a small smile - which he reserved just for her - was only a reminder of what could have been with Bucky.

Would Bucky reserve a smile just for her as Steve did her?

Every time he gave her flowers, it only made her heart clenched a little more, as she wished that those flowers were from Bucky instead of Steve.

She could not help but feel terrible with Steve. She was such a terrible terrible person.

"Lover-boy treating you right?"

Clint settled down beside her on the grass and leaned against the tree, sprawling his legs lazily across the grass and hummed a little as he closed his eyes.

Yes, holding a grudge against Clint Barton was almost impossible.

She just hummed in return as she shifted and laid her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"I've missed you, you prick."

She heard him chuckle and shifted slightly to be more comfortable as he put his arms around her.

"Same here, Nat."


Her life became brighter and brighter as the days went by. It was almost like a routine for her now - Steve waiting for her outside her class and lead her down the main stairs and to the little alcove where all his friends were present.

Sometimes she would bring Clint too. And they all get along well.

Thor was a lot more tame as compared to the previous week when they first met, Bruce was still shy and wary around her but was a lot more open now and Stark... he was still the same snarky, sarcastic and foul mouthed brat but he was becoming a lot more bearable, somehow.

And she'd realized that somehow, along the way of feeling endless guilt and resentment towards Steve, she'd rather like him. A lot.

But as a friend.

He was not a talker, she'd learned. Thinking back about the past week, she realized that he'd barely talked directly to her. If not at all.

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