[1] •In a Dream•

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I felt myself sweating and can't feel anything. My body felt.. numb. My mind was running,not sure where. Is this a dream? No.. nightmare.. i can't move..
"Hng- blegh!" Black.. vomit..? What happen..?!
A salty tear came out from my eyes. Non stop like a waterfall. I'm drowned by my own tears. I can't do this.. my sleep paralyze demon wont f*cking leave me.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to give you this! I'm really sorry! Please.. wake up.. You'll be ok.."


I opened my eyes. My pillow was wet because of my tears. I.. cried.. Who was that? A male? Sounded like a female tho.. Ugh. Why do i need to start a morning with some shits. I'm too lazy to get up. But i have to. I heard a footsteps coming towards my room,
"Indonesia! Wake up! It's almost 7 am!"
It's my mom. Zamrud.

"Did you stay up late last night?!" She said as she walk closer to me,
"You shouldn't stay- sweetie,why is your eyes red? Are you crying..?"
What? Red eyes? Fuck- i forgot i cried.
"Why are you crying dear?"
I jumped off my bed and walk to the bathroom,trying to hide my face,
"It's nothing bunda (mom)..."
"Well.. if you say so.. if you need anything,talk to me. Timor already eating downstairs.."
I answer with a nod. She step out and close my bedroom door.


I started to change to uniform and packed my stuff. Huh,just realize that bunda had a serious mood swing.. I took my bag and went out to the kitchen.
"Morning Indo,"
Timor greet me. I just answer with a wave.
"Mom said you cried. Did you watch a k-drama or what?" She chuckled with a grin on her face. That annoying face.
"Shut up"
I started eating my breakfast. I only ate a piece of bread with a jam inside. Pretty good i guess. I looked at the clock, 6.49 am. Class start at 7.15 so cool. I finish eating and went to the front door.
"I'm going. Later."
"Wait,Indo have you-"
I heard my mom called my name,but it's too late. I slam the door.
And so,i started walking. So quiet and peaceful. The sky was blue with the clouds mixing up making gradations and makes it prettier. Nice. I look back,i think i walk pretty far. This morning is so nice-
I talk too fast.

"Bro! Why did you leave me!" Timor screamed out. She did tried to chase me,but she rarely does it. Something new huh?
"Cause i felt to leave you."
"Eh. Why did you chased me anyway"
"Cause i felt to chase you."


We proceed what happen. I let out a little laugh,meanwhile Timor laughing her ass off.
"Shut up you slut"
"I'm just following what this whore is doing" she said pointing at me.
"Whatever hoe"
We walked our way to school. Not that much to see. Just some animals walked by and some old countries talking. Like Germany's dad. We saw him near the grocery with his dog. My mind suddenly reminds me of what happen last night. I started to thought about it again. Who was that person? They sounded worried. Who the f*ck being worried about me when i don't even know them? Or does they know me? What did they meant by "Didn't mean to give you this"? "Sorry" for what? Who was it? Do i know them?
Was it... Something important that i forgot..?

3rd person POV

"Bro.? Bro! Yo,we're here! Indo!! Hoi whore bish,are you deaf?!"
Timor started being annoyed. She slapped him.
"We're in school! What are you doing?! Daydreaming?"
"Shut up,sorry. I'm just gonna go!" Indo leave Timor with her confused face. She scratched her head.
"What's up with him?" She thought to her self and walk to her class.
She actually cares about his brother. She called him like that because she never really like sweet pet names and because it was a habit from them.
"Does it had something to do with last night? Like,he cried. Wonder why.."

"Timor!!" A female student came to Timor,it was Andorra. One of her close friend. Well,maybe her crush.
"You would not believe this! Last night Aussie text me and said that he..."
"Ahaha,here goes her story.." She speaks to her self.
"Hm,you say something?"
"Nothing,just continue! What happen?"
"Ok,so then he poisoned UK's tea and he..." Andorra continued and grab her arm. Timor just listened to her and blush a bit.
They chit chat until they reach class.

Lets get back to Indo,shall we?

Indo already sat on his chair. Students came along too. He just kept quiet while listening to the music on his headphone. He's listening to "Two Birds" by Regina Spector. He went back to the nightmare topic. He clearly remember the voice and what they say. He took out a small notebook and start to make some theories about it.
"Was it a hallucination?
A sign of something might happen?
A curse by dukun?
My sleep paralyze demon wanting revenge?
Or a real person tried to talk to me from another dimension?"
Thoughts running in his mind in a circle like a toy train . He sketched some of it.
"Indo. You're watching too many films like Harry Potter. That's stupid. You're so dumb.." he said to him self.
"But Harry Potter is not dumb. I-it's kinda fun tho-"

The teacher came in.
This morning is Mr. NATO turn to teach. He's a cool teacher from Indo's perspective. Sadly,it's biology. One of Indo's most hated class.
He took off his headphone but still avoiding NATO. He's biggest concern right now is still about last night. It's been 13 minutes. Indo got bored and sleepy (he did stayed up late 👀).
He wrapped his arms and put his head on them. Slowly closing his eyes and went nowhere in his head.

"Indonesia! Can you tell me what is the relationship between humans anatomy and physiology?"
Indo suddenly turn his head up. He's too tired for this thing.
"What is the relationship between humans anatomy and physiology? How about you come infront here and explain it?"
He walked straight up to the front of the class and took the spidol.
"Anatomy describes the physical structures of organisms while physiology describes mechanical and chemical processes. In other words, anatomy is akin to the blueprints for a machine and physiology is akin to a description of how the parts function. For example, neurons consist of multiple branches anatomically, and physiologically? These are for sending electrochemical signals to and receiving signals from other neurons. The "human" part simply qualifies that the study is on human bodies. Which is boring."
(Source: Wikipedia lol)
He gave back the spidol back to NATO. Everyone else was just surprised. Indo usually will just slept at biology,but who knows that he's very good at it. He casually walked back to his sit.

"Dude,i didn't know you're very good at this!"
"Yeah,you explain it even to the details!"
"Are you a walking wikipedia or what?"
The students started asking Indo so many stuff. NATO saw Indo suddenly look so anxious and uncomfortable. He look.. scared? Oh no..
"Alright kids! Ask later,it's still class time!" He yells.
Indo started sweating bullets after NATO yelled. NATO looked at Indo,his eyes look dull and full of fears. He started to get worried

"Aww.. fine.."
The kids sat back at their sits,and NATO continue teaching the class.
"Looks like i will have extra things to do after school.." He thought to himself..

What's this? Another new thing?

==> Next chapter:
Still on Indo's side of story,but we will rewind it. From another place and another perspective..


Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoy! And yes. I ship Timor Leste x Andorra. Don't change my mind. I need some gals in here.
Now bye eheq

1369 words..

(Sorry for the short chapter lol)

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