[5] ·Familiar Meeting·

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Malay's POV

I slowly open my eyes, squinting it, letting the sun light getting through. It was really calm. I actually thought I was brought somewhere else.

I use the energy I had to get up and sit, - Feels like Dejà vu - examining my surroundings. Trees, flowers, grass, a little river in front of me, and a shelter when I look back. I regain the memory before I black out. There were bears chasing me, and this one guy saved me, so I did the same.

Wait, since when did I had bandages on myself?

"Oh, you're awake."

A voice came through my ear. I wouldn't dare to look back. I was... Trembling. I hope he won't do anything, oh god I didn't make myself invisible–

"Hey, it's ok. I literally just helped you. Gee."

The voice came with a tap on my shoulder. I jumped a little from it and my wing fluttered.

I whined a little "Ouch". My wings are aching. And I realized how many bandages was on me. Well, too many.

I looked back to where the voice coming from.
There stood a boy, around 16-18 I guess. He's wearing somekind of a brown school uniform (from what I saw in a book I read), - huh, where did my jacket go? - a messy dark red-ish with a white stripe hair, a bag under his pale red eyes, he wears a mask so his face is not that visible, and carrying a first aid kit.

He look dead tired.

"You done looking?" He mumbled.

I looked away, avoiding contact. I heard him sigh, and sat next to me.

Then suddenly he took my hand.

I whisper-yelled a "What are you doing?!" to him, he answered with an eye roll. He open the box and took some bandages, and started wrapping it on my arm.

I flinched at the sudden ache, yet, the boy look so calm despite both of us being strangers to each other.

Oh boy... I hope I didn't make that much trouble at my first day here...

(Going somewhere you shouldn't go is already a trouble Malay)

Minutes pass by, and he was done bandaging me. I looked at my arms, surprisingly he bandaged it really good. The aching slowly disappeared.

I looked at him and mouthed a thank you. He responded with a simple shrug. Not much of talker I see.

We just sat there near the river, not bothering to talk or move. Just some awkward silence. The tension was killing me, so I decided to break it.

"Why did you help me?"

I kept my eyes to the river, hugging my legs to my chest.
I can feel him looking at me, he then answer,
"Why not."

What a simple answer. I can sense fear from him. As if he's worried about his actions.

"Are you worried right now?"

A sweat slip down from his forehead. He's definitely lying.

He took a deep breath.

"What are you?" He exhale, "I don't think I've seen you around here. What's with the... Wings?"

I turn my head around to see him. He flinch from my action, pupils getting small then turns normal again. I want to see his face.

"Why are you wearing a mask?" I ask
"Don't avoid my question."
"Answer me first then I'll answer yours."

He looked serious.
"It's nothing."

I shoot a glare at him. He lied again.
His body language says that he's nervous.
Then he sighs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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