[2] •Flandars Forest (Part 2)

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Why look at that! Are you confused? Oh hun, then lets rewind the time to another realm, shall we?

≈ Rewinding the time... Loading...

Loading complete! Morning, 6:15 at another realm...≈

Malay's POV...

"AAAAAA I'M GOING TO RUIN THE DREAAAM!!" I screamed in panic, seeing the dream i controlled turn black.
"Calm down! We can fix this! Just tell him to wake-"
"OH MY HIBISCUS HE'S PUKING BLACK LIQUID-" I started to sob, worrying if i messed up. Again.
"Malay dear, you need to calm down! You can do this, tell him to wake up and you'll be fine!"
I breath in and out to calm myself. Letting the jasmine flower i hold to turn white again, i start to whisper...

But i ended up exclaiming.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to give you this! I'm really sorry! Please.. wake up.. you'll be okay.."

The jasmine flower started to fade away. The boy i saw seems confused, but i hope he forgot about this "Screw up dream" i accidently made. After the jasmine flower wasn't in my hand anymore, i sobbed louder.
"Miss France! I'm really sorry i screw up again!!" I apologized so many times to my current teacher.

She's my 7th teacher to be honest. The others couldn't handle me so they gave up, but Miss France got the whole patience and kindness to teach me. I love her so much!

"It's alright, but i guess you're grounded then!" She said playfully.
"I'm s-sorry i panicked.." I stuttered.
"Again Mal, you need to be calm or else, the dream will turn to a nightmare... I guess that's your homework until next week!" She patted my back.
"But you did a great job! It last longer than last time! Now, you're dismisses sweetie." She continued and smiled.
I return the smile.
"Thank you.."


I jump onto my bed after i close my dorm door. Oh, i should've tell you what's in here! Well, let me be your host. This is the flower realm. It's not the official name of this realm since leader never told me. In this realm, we all are in between death and life. We also have a job! What's our job?

As what i was told, we help humans who's in the worst part of their life. We came to them- i guess.. then we helped them with the problems they had. Angels? I don't know, angels are dead. But since i'm a burden, leader never really gave me any mission. Wondering how i can break the fourth wall? Only on some important parts! So only on explaining this apparently. I don't even know how the humans trust us that easily. It felt like we hypnotized them. I don't know anymore.

I stare at ceiling. This realm wasn't boring when i first came. There's so many cool things i've explored. There's more but they won't let me! They said it cost 3 mission to explore the outsider. Are we like spies or something?
Come to thing about it, that boy earlier looks familiar (It rhymed hah). Is it something common for us? The thoughts really made me tired. So i went to sleep by laying on a same position for a whole 15 minutes.



"Hibiscus! Could you come to leader's office please? I repeat...." And so they repeated it again.
That was an alarm for my everyday.
"Oh for the love America! Wait, why did i said his name?
I quickly got out of my dorm and started walking to the office. To be honest, i liked staying in my room, not like the other flowers. It's comfortable.

It's something normal, right?

I knocked the door as i finally arrived. The door open making the typical "Creak" sound. I stepped in and saw leader... Y'know, it's kinda weird calling him by that. He had no names, so we called them by "Red Ruby". Probably because he's red like a ruby.
It was silent for moment. He doesn't seems to notice that i'm here.

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