[2] •Flandars Forest (Part 1)

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Indo's POV

My ears... It.. hurt.. Please,s-stop looking at me.. I-
"Alright kids! Ask later,it's still class time!"
I heard mr. NATO yell. No,d-don't.. i need to calm myself.. inhale,exhale. Keep doing that. Well,that's what my therapist said. Why do i even listen to her? What if she just want to make you feel worse? No no no.. Bunda said it's for the best of me. Can i.. trust her?

. Time Skip .

"10.30 am,break time..."

I just sat on my chair. I tried to calm my self down,but i just can't. My head got even more heavier than usual. I can't get up. I should have take the pills..
I took my headphone and started listening to more music. They make me calm. "Maybe sleeping will make it better" i thought to myself as i drift away to my sleep.

. Time Skip .

"03.10 pm,after school..."

I packed my stuff and getting to ready to go home. I thought of going somewhere after this. But someone suddenly slam their hand to my desk,making me jump.
It was Vietnam.
"What was that for?" I ask him.
"You didn't move" he replied.
"And your point is?"
He sigh.
"Mr. NATO called you,he wants to talk. And he told me to walk you to his office." He explained.
I just frowned,i hate meeting people.
"I don't know man,i'm not him. Just follow me so we can end this already"
He shrug and dragged me.
"Hey i can walk myself–"
"You'll run like last week"
I gave up.

While we're on our way to his office,Viet seems to be very.. talkative.. ever since she passed away,he always stayed quiet. I guess he move on.
We finally arrived at mr. NATO's office. He opened the door,there we can see mr. NATO with the biology quiz we had this morning. He pushed me in and started to walk away,signing a "Bye" to me.
"Good afternoon Indo,take a sit. I'm glad you didn't ran away like last week" he said while pointing to the chair in front of him. I just sat there and stayed quiet. Mr. NATO was still correcting the quiz. Have i mention that he's also an counseling guidance teacher? Yeah i haven't. As he finally finished correcting,he looked at me and break the silent.
"Do you know why you're here?"
B*tch how should i know? Is it because i'm sleeping? Tch baperan. I just answer with a shrug and my eyes looking to another way,avoiding contact to him.
He gave me pills. My blue pills.
"Your mom gave me these at first break but i didn't have time to give it to you. Have you eaten?"
I kept quite and took the pills.
"Have you?" He ask again
"No..." I replied.
He offer me a bread,i don't want to be seen as the rude kid,so i just took it right away and ate. By just eating half of it make me want to vomit. I took out my water bottle and start swallowing my pills. 2 pills a day. Bullshits.
"You do know that you can talk to me anytime right? I already know your problems,so don't be afraid next time okay? You may leave now"
Sir that's like the whole shits i'm in now. "Don't be afraid? What kind of crap is that?" I thought and leave his office.


I searched for Timor. That little whore always wander around somewhere without my permission. I found her at the school garden with her 'Best Friend' who is obviously her crush.
I took my phone and gave her a miscall. She seems to noticed the vibrate and me,so she walked towards me.
"I'm going to the forest again,don't tell mom,just say i'm at the park near school. Don't worry i'll pay you with a dollar and the f*cking cuisine." I said getting straight to the point.
"K,deal. But you do know that people said that forest had weird things in it right?" She spoke.
"Bruh you believe that? The place is pretty tho. You should stop listening to your stupid crush's gossip sis." I protest and tease her at the same time.
"First,she's not stupid she's just dumb–"
"That's even worst"
"Shut up and second it's not like i believe. I'm just scared that you'll come home all wet from the rain and turns out you were crying and accidently slip in the rain like a cliché!" She exclaimed. I shut her mouth.
"That's last month..!" I said with an embarrassed tone.
"Still" she said as she playfully punch my shoulder.
"Welp,see you at home hoe."
"Yea,bye b*tch"
Gotta admit. She's the best sister i could ask for though she act like an asshole.

. Small time skip¡ .

It just took about 7 minutes to get here. And it's worthy. The forest was pretty and calming. I wonder why people always said that this forest was haunted and that sort of stuff. Well,welcome to Flandars. Elder countries close them because of the 'Rumor' that the place is haunted and full of weird creatures,turns out there are like tons of wild harmful animals. Such as deers,bunnies,foxes,etc. I once saw bears but i don't think they'll kill me unless i annoyed them. Luckily that never happen. There's this gate that the elder countries locked so no one will come in. Jokes on them i can climb. I started climbing the gates that is pretty high,jump and ran into the forest. This is the only place where i can feel save,so forget about the bears part.

I slowly walked to one of the biggest tree in the forest,which is my favorite spot for hanging. Though i look like a lazy and emo person,i actually have a good stamina. So i climb the tree that you could say... Really high okay.

"Here i am... Again.."

Quick change,3rd person's POV...

It may seems nice at first couple minutes. Until he suddenly heard someone screamed for help.....


Haha. Hi? Sorry for not updating. I tried to do my best lol. It should be 1 chapter but hey,writer block. Yay. I am truly sorry guys,you can do anything to me if you want,just uuhh go comment or smthn.

Oh,the drawing is old and i didn't knew it would be useful now. Sorry for the very short update..

1102 words.

- Ken,out!

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