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biana, linh, keefe, tam, & dex were all sprawled on the soft yellow rug in dex's room. well, dex wasn't sprawled. he was sitting at his desk, testing a gadget he had just created.

biana smiled at linh. it was a soft smile but not a shy one, comfortable & happy even in its smallness.

linh smiled back. it was a shy smile but not a soft smile, big & beaming even in its hopefulness.

in that one moment, biana knew all the homophobia was worth it.

got it! dex shouted. he grinned, holding up the gadget. his dimples were showing. i hacked into the council's files. they have one labeled homosexuality, so i'm guessing that's what you guys wanted?

great, keefe said, blowing out a breath. they have a file on us.

it'll be fine, tam said quietly, placing his hand on keefe's arm.

keefe looked at tam, & there was vulnerability in his eyes.

biana looked away.

linh's gaze settled on dex's gadget. she bit her lip, thinking. she was excited, but scared. apprehensive. biana hadn't noticed the moment when she'd found herself able to read linh's face, but now it was almost second nature. can you print it out?

dex squinted at the gadget & pressed a few buttons. good idea. all of a sudden, a rectangular machine on his desk whirred, & several hundred pages appeared, encased in a yellowing folder with the word 'homosexuality' written on it in neat, tidy handwriting.

biana stood up & grabbed it. she was surprised by its weight. this is huge. what's even in here? she sat down, her bare calf rubbing the soft rug, & opened the file to a random page.

is that me?

biana turned to linh, then back to the page. it...it is. she flipped back a few pages, trying to find the label for this section of the file. that's so...oh. oh. oh shit. oh no they fucking didn't.

linh grabbed the file to see what biana was looking at. her face was a mask of disbelief. you're kidding me. a 'suspects' section? like we're criminals or something?

biana turned the page, & winced when she saw herself. it was an old photograph, from when she had first started at foxfire. she was wearing a twilight dress & beaming into the camera. biana vacker, she read aloud. daughter of alden & della vacker, younger sister of... alvar & fitz vacker. possible converters: tam song, linh song, dex dizznee. what the fuck? are they trying to figure out who turned me gay?

dex looked up, a strange panic in his eyes. wait. i'm on the list?

biana shrugged. it says you might have... converted me, so probably. i'll tell you if i see your page.

oh...okay, dex said quietly, eyes focused on his clenched hands & not his friends beside him.

for a moment, biana thought about asking him, but she decided not to. if it really was true, he'd tell them in time.

she turned the page, & saw keefe's smileless face. um, okay. keefe sencen, son of... well, you know. possible converters: gisela sencen, tam song, dex dizznee. known relationships: tam--

confused, keefe broke in. why does it say mommy dearest is a possible converter? she's not gay. at least, i hope she isn't. that would be some shit representation right there.

eyes still trained on the ground below him, dex said quietly, she's on the list because she's with the neverseen, & they see being gay as a crime. if you had looked further on biana's list, i bet she had alvar on there. he sighed, bit his lip, met no one's eyes. but i bet there won't be possible converters on me or tam or linh's lists. my parents are a bad match, & they were banished. they expect us to be... criminals.

this is such bullshit! biana burst out. they're acting like it's the neverseen. who converted us? i like girls. keefe likes boys. it's not that big a deal.

what are the other sections? tam asked quietly.

biana squinted at the brilliantly white papers. um... there's 'plan'. that one must be good. she flipped to the section, & winced at the elegant font. it says that the homosexuals must be contained. holy fuck. now i feel like we're starting some sort of rebellion.

we should, linh said, & there was a firm resolve in her voice that made biana happy for a reason even she couldn't explain.

keefe laughed, but his voice was harsh. a gay revolution. let's go.

sophie can hail terik, biana said slowly, ideas forming. i bet he can secure us an audience with the council.

tam shook his head. i really don't want to go up in front of them. like, i really don't want to. i... i don't like being in front of people.

keefe grabbed his boyfriend's hand. honestly, same. not to mention, my dad would never let me.

dex stared at the others. oh. um. sorry, i just... he didn't finish, just stared into his hands. biana put 'tell dex i accept him' on her mental to-do-list.

it's fine. i'll do it, linh said. with you, biana?

biana looked at her girlfriend & smiled. fuck yes. those homophobic dickheads won't know what hit them.

a/n: ugh sorry i know i haven't updated in a while! i hope this makes up for it. :) i also realized i should start doing more prepping for the next book, which is why dex is featured in this chapter. as always, vote & comment, & tag a friend or two. have a great day xx

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