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biana had never realized how good her life was until she asked out another girl in the middle of a crowded city. loudly. loudly enough that everyone around her heard. loudly enough that her asshat brother was taken aback. loud enough that rumors began to spread.

biana had never realized how good her life was until everybody knew her private business. until instead of seeing her as the pretty vacker girl, people saw her as the filthy vacker girl. until her name spread like a disease, whispered & gasped at.

biana had never realized how good her life was until the people who she took for granted thought she was a freak of nature. until some people called her amazing, but so many more thought she was disgusting. until she was the latest gossip: not even her, but some one-dimensional drawing of her, pretty & perfect until suddenly she wasn't.

biana had never realized how good her life was until it wasn't anymore.

when she leaped home from back-to-foxfire shopping with linh (fitz had left, so they decided to make it their first date), della was standing in the atrium. biana faltered for a moment when she saw the beautiful woman. fitz must have told her.

della smiled when she saw biana, but her face was pained. is it true?

biana could feel her heart thumping in her chest. but she was never one to back away from confrontation, so her voice was strong & steady as she said, me & linh? so what if it is?

della walked up to biana & placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. she smelled sweet & a little spicy, like she had just been baking. i love you, sweetheart. she smiled a little, although she still looked ill at ease. i will always support you.

biana waited for the but. she wished della would just get it over with, because imagining it was worse. but your feelings are wrong. but you need to love a boy. but you're disgusting. but you're forbidden from seeing that song girl.

della sighed. you can date linh song, i don't give a damn. but all i'm going to say is, your father may not be as accepting. i'm trying to get through to him, but in the meantime, don't think anything he says represents you as a person. you're a beautiful person, biana, & want you to remember that. don't listen to what anyone else says.

of course. biana should have seen it coming. she hadn't thought her mom would care, but her dad...yeah. yeah. she breathed in, out. his voice floated into her mind. no reason to worry.

& she realized now that he was partly right. being a girl who loved girls wasn't a reason to worry. at least, it shouldn't have been.

but before she had time to think any more, her father's crisp, accented voice floated into the room. is that you, biana?

she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. & then she called, hi, dad!

alden strode into the room. his thick brown hair was slightly matted, & a worry line creased his forehead. biana. i'd like to converse with you. will you come with me? biana's face must have betrayed her nerves, because alden coughed awkwardly. there's no reason to worry, dear.

della caught her daughter's eye & mouthed, good luck, & then biana was following alden into his aquarium office, the one he only used for important matters.

he sat down at his desk, & biana sat across from him, trying not to feel nauseated by the water surrounding her. then he spoke, & she forgot about the nausea entirely. biana, i'm just going to cut to the chase here. did you or did you not ask linh song if she would go out with you?

biana exhaled. i did. & there is nothing wrong with that.

her father rubbed his forehead. i hope you're joking, biana. didn't i raise you with any values at all?

biana tried not to focus on the burning sensation behind her eyes. instead, she clenched & unclenched her hands. her fingernails were long & sparkly, & they dug into her skin. instead of being sad, she tried to be angry. & it worked. you did, actually. you raised me to stand up for what i believe in, & i belive that being gay is perfectly fine, fuck you.

alden drew in a gasp. biana! language! he shook his head. i just don't understand. it's not like you're lacking admirers. so many boys would love to be with you. why sink so low?

biana stood up. she could feel the lump in her throat growing closer, & she wouldn't give her dad the satisfaction of watching her cry. i'm not sinking low, dad. this is just who i am.

& then she fled, & the tears came. but so did the words. they came flowing into her brain, so fast she couldn't believe they hadn't already been there. arguments, reasoning. holy shit, biana. why hasn't anyone done this before?

she ran to her room, ignoring fitz's closed door. she grabbed her imparter & said, linh song.

linh's beautiful face flickered onto the screen. biana? what's up?

things need to change, biana said, wiping away a tear. they needed to change a long time ago. & we're the ones who have to do it.

linh smiled, & biana could feel butterflies & sunbeams as her girlfriend (!!) opened her mouth & said:

what do we do first?

a/n: every single male vacker is a dickhead & nothing anyone says to me can change that. also, if biana is a queen then della is a goddamn goddess. i love her so much. homophobic dellas make me want to cry. so i didn't make one. that's what i call logic.

now we're around halfway through the book & they're already dating. what do you think is going to happen? also, i need an updating schedule for this book. i'm trying to do approximately every four days but it's not really working. also i want to post an original story besides color, because i feel like no one really cares about that? but idk. now i'm not even talking about 'will you be my legacy?' oops. anyway, don't forget to vote & comment & have a great day xx

will you be my legacy? - linhiana (the legacies series 2)Where stories live. Discover now