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fitz was an ass.

he wasn't even your ordinary, run-of-the-mill ass. no, fitz was a quality ass. grade-a, somewhat mysoginistic with undeniable homophobic tendancies ass.

biana loved her brother, of course. sort of. he could be kind, & considerate. sometimes.

but he could also be an ass. like how he was always hitting on linh, even when she made it clear she wasn't interested. like how he reacted when biana brought up the fact that theoretically, linh could be blushing because she liked biana, not fitz. the way he was horrified. the way he almost looked scared of her words. his ew.

right now, biana was boycotting fitz's existence. this was because he stopped talking to keefe when he came out to him. biana was there, invisible in the corner. tam was there, too, & he & keefe were holding hands.

when fitz saw them, he thought it was a joke. biana could see the exact moment when it sunk in. keefe smiled nervously & said, so, are you happy for us?

& fitz had looked at keefe & his boyfriend with eyes of disgust, eyes that made biana ashamed she had the same teal color. & he said: happy? keefe, you haven't actually tricked yourself into thinking this is real, right?

keefe's voice was unnaturally cold as he said, excuse me?

fitz visibly relaxed. i know what this is. you were depressed after i got together with sophie, so you needed something to take your mind off of it. well, sophie & i broke up, so your charade is over.

um, said tam.

what the actual fuck? keefe yelled, loud enough for biana to wince & almost flicker into sight.

don't worry, bro, i get it, fitz said, offering a half-smile & a highly conspicuous glance at keefe & tam's entangled hands. we all make bad choices sometimes. it's fine now. tam, you can go.

dude, i don't know what you're even talking about right now. keefe's voice was eerily cold. i thought we were friends. friends support each other. & tam isn't just some fucking rebound relationship. he is my boyfriend. i love him. we are a two-for-one deal. if you want to see me, you have to contend with the guy & the gay.

biana's heart was pounding, & she dug her nails into her palms to try & stop it. she couldn't stop thinking about the way keefe had just said it. he is my boyfriend. i love him. he said it so simply, & yet it meant everything to the girl. it had been one thing when keefe & tam had come out to a room of warm, supportive friends & family. but this here...keefe was talking to someone who actively disapproved of him, just because of who he loved. & he didn't back down.

but fitz did. or, more accurately, he pointed at the door. dude, i don't know what you're playing at, but i'm not going to sit around & be a part of this. come back when you have shit figured out.

for a moment, biana thought tam was going to hit fitz. his expression was angrier than any biana had seen for a long time. but keefe squeezed his boyfriend's hand, & tam relaxed somewhat.

then, as per fitz's demand, the two of them left, leaving biana alone with only her thoughts for company.

oh, & her homophobic asshole brother.

biana had pictured coming out to fitz.

she had pictured it alone, lying in her bed.

she had pictured it when she was with linh, & she wanted nothing more than to grab her hand & have it be more than just friends.

she had pictured it when she saw tam & keefe, & how they could just be together & not give a shit what anyone else thought.

the way his eyes would change.

the way he would look afraid, disgusted.

the way he would blame it on keefe.

& the more she thought about it, the more unfair it seemed.

the lost cities claimed that they were better than humans. most elves dismissed humans as lesser beings with absurd prejudices.

& it was hypocrisy. & every time biana thought about it, she wanted to rip her hair out. she wanted to rip it out from the roots & kill someone. this was from a girl who thought hair was the most important aspect of a person's personality. it made her so angry she could feel the anger crawling up her skin.

but more than that, she could feel the arguments forming, in some place deep in her chest that was beyond words. she could feel herself steeling & her tongue rearing to strike, words that were swords fighting close to her chest. they kept grimly still for now. she knew one day she'd use them. maybe just on her brother. but maybe on more elves.

biana felt different ways around different people. around linh she felt soft, exposed. around fitz she had used to feel comforted & comfortable, but now it was the opposite. his presence put her on edge. around him, she was a ticking bomb. there was no question of whether she would blow up.

it was only a matter of when.

a/n: biana is legit a queen. & fitz is legit a rat. & i have no idea what i'm going to do when i write the fedex story...

as always, vote & comment. what do you think will happen in this story? spoiler alert: elves fucking suck, man. have a great day xx

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