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this is so fucking unfair, biana said for the fifth time, standing up & then sitting back down again abruptly. they barely gave us a chance to speak. & then alina's talking about how it's a choice, which doesn't even make any fucking sense.

linh sighed. she was lying on her bed, limbs splayed out like a snow angel's, back pressing into her sea-blue blanket. there has to be another way, she said.

i love you, linh, but i don't think there is, tam said softly. he was sitting at the foot of linh's bed, on a small cushion marked, 'for tam'. i mean, you lost, right? like, you put us all out there, & they said no. it sucks, but we can't just go & do it again.

the world fucking sucks, keefe said. his voice broke a little. they hate us. & we hate them, & some of us hate each other. it's all hopeless. we actually thought we could make it better?

linh's room, usually bright & vibrant with all the colors of the sea, was small, desolate, & suffocating that day. or at least that's how it felt to the four elves in the room. two of them were boys: one black-banged & silver-tipped, the other blonde & shaking. the other two were girls: one a beautiful, disbelieving brunette.

& then there was the black-haired one, silver-eyed & clever, & she smelled like salt & sounded like the waves of a shell from the beach. she sat up suddenly, turned to the blonde. you're wrong, keefe. yeah, things get bad sometimes. but there's still hope. there has to be, cause there are other people like us. linh smiled, eyes bright with the allure of a new idea. dex still has that council file he hacked. we can go see who else was on the list of suspects, get people talking about this.

biana looked at linh. wait...

linh smiled at her girlfriend, then continued. what you & i just did? that was low-stakes for the council. it was just the two of us & the twelve of them in a tiny tiled room where no one was watching. if we spread the news of what we're doing throughout the lost cities, the council will have to respond somehow. if we go up in front of them again, more prepared, with speeches & reasoning & counter-arguments & the whole world watching...

that just might work, biana finished, a smile spreading through her face. let's hail dex. we need to get the file. we need to spread the word.

wait, linh said. just know. if we really do this, um. your dad & brother will probably get really mad at you. & the rest of your family too, i think. like all the ancients with their stupid vacker legacy. are you okay with that, bi? we don't have to do it if you're not.

biana looked around, & she felt as though the room was filled with life once again. she caught tam's eye, & he looked back at her, an unreadable look, but she thought she might have seen a flash of encouragement. she caught keefe's eye, & his eyes were red but he was smiling just a little.

she caught linh's eye, & she was looking at biana patiently. no matter what you say, i still love you, she said.

of course i want to do this, biana exclaimed, & her voice was nervous but excited. we could change the lives of so many elves. they won't have to live in hiding anymore. we won't have to live in hiding anymore.

slowly, linh sat up, stood up, rubbing her back. there was a girl-shaped imprint in her mattress. she walked over to where her girlfriend was sitting, in the corner. she bent down. & she kissed biana.

her lips tasted like the ocean. like salt. it wasn't biana's first kiss, but it was the first one that mattered.

i don't give a damn what tam or my parents say, linh whispered, breaking from the kiss & sitting down beside biana. she was wearing a soft, light coral gown that made the blue in her eyes shine. she had bought it with biana, on their first date. you're always welcome here. if you need to get away.

biana's heart felt as though it would overflow. linh could control it just like water.

let's do this, she said.

a/n: i'm honestly so sad right now. only two more chapters of adorable linhiana! i can't express to you how much i love this ship. i hope you like it too, or at least like my interpretation of it. :)

as always, please vote & comment, & recommend this series to your friends! i know as the series gets longer it gets harder to keep up, but i hope you care enough to do so. it really makes my day when people read it. also, you can still guess what the third book will be called. if by some miracle you actually guess it (or come up with a better name) then you will get a shoutout in one of the following chapters. (hint: it has the word 'legacy' in it.) stay safe & healthy, & have a great day xx

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