Chapter 2: Finding Out

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~Wynter's POV~

There it was. My answer was right in front of me. Two Lines. I was pregnant. Thats why i haven't gotten my period in a month. And I have been puking. Luckily I'm a silent puker so my parents never knew. I can't tell them I'm pregnant. Only my best friend Aubrey can know. She bought the test for me.

"Did you get the results yet?" Aubrey whispered outside the door.

I open the door with tears streaming down my face.

"Awww Wynter. I'm so sorry." She said holding me in her arms.

What am I going to do I'm only 15! And what if Cole doesn't want it! Or what if he leaves me! I cry.

"Shhhh, don't think about that right now. When are you going to tell them?"

I don't know. But not now for sure! Maybe when my bump is starting to get really noticable.

"Luckily you don't have a bump yet, so you should be good for a while. Tell Cole when your ready though. If you don't have the courage I can tell him for you."

Aww thanks Aubrey. I don't deserve you. Your such a great best friend. I say hugging her.

"Awe thanks! But I better get going before your parents get home. I'll drop the test off at the dump so your parents don't find out until your ready." She said before leaving.

I wipe the tears off my face and fix my makeup before my parents come home.

"Wynter were home!" My mom says.

"Come into the living room we need to talk!" My dad says.

I go into the living room and sit across them on the couch.

"I'm going to tell you something that you never have known and I think your ready for the story." She says.

"I got pregnant at 15. Luke and I made you on my 16th birthday but my party was 2 weeks early. I'm just going to say it. You were a mistake. But you were the best mistake that ever happened to us." She finished.

"What your mother is trying to say is that don't make the same mistakes we did because you don't want a big mistake of your own. Wait until your older." Dad finished.

I will. I smiled and headed to my room. I lied straight to their faces. But they told me too late. I go underneath my covers and cry myself to sleep.

The next morning, I was brushing my hair when my boyfriend Cole came in.
Cole I need to tell you something.

"What is it babe?" He asked

I-I'm pregnant. I say shaking.

"Are you playing a prank on me?"

No. Look. I lift up my shirt to reveal my very small growing bump.

"I-I'm sorry, I can't do this. We're over." He said fastly before leaving.

My heart just broke. I put my face in my hands and started bawling my eyes out.

"Heyyy whats wrong?" Mikey said as he walked into my bedroom sitting next to me.

C-Can you close the door please?

"Sure. Now whats wrong?" He said closing the door.

Please don't tell Mom or Dad though! I cry.

"I promise. I won't tell them, now whats wrong please tell me."

Cole broke up with me. I cry into his arms.

"Well thats ok. You will find someone different."

No. You don't understand! Their is a reason why he broke up with me!

"You didn't cheat, did you?"

No! He broke up with me b-because i-i'm pregnant. I cried harder into Mikey's chest.

" didn't use protection?" He said disappointedly.

We did! I don't know what happened!

"Have you been taking the birth control your parents put you on?"

No......I mumbled.

"Why? Your parents put you on it so you don't follow their footsteps!"

I didn't think it was that important. Plus they didn't tell me why they wanted me to take it! And they told me the story just yesterday so they told me too late!

"*sigh* Who else knows? And when are you going to tell them?"

Aubrey and Cole plus now you. And I'm going to tell them when I can't hide my bump anymore.... and just tell them Cole broke up with me if they ask anything.

"Ok. Will do. Get some rest." He said kissing my forehead and leaving my room.

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