Chapter 14: Hormones

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^^ New Ashton Irwin Fanfic Trailer *TRIGGER WARNING!* If your sensitive to self harm and depression please don't watch. I don't want you beautiful's getting triggered because I care so much about you guys. ❤ And if you ever want to talk or need advice inbox me thx beautiful.

I made an Ashton Irwin fanfic :D

Ok so I was rereading the previous chapters and I was cringing. Omg like I know I can write better than that. Whatever, you guys seem to like it xD
My new fanfics will be better I promise. I really didn't know what to write so here's Wynter being bitchy :P
Also If your looking for great fanfics I recommend 7:15 by fivesaucewhoop and Fall by fivesaucewhoop like for real she's an amazing writer and the fanfics are phenomenal.

~Wynter's POV~

I woke up with Kayden's arm wrapped around my waist and his other arm on the current bump. I am now 7 months pregnant and man am I eager to get the baby out. We both decided we want the gender to be a surprise though.

"Morning my beautifuls." Kayden says kissing me and rubbing the bump.

I yawn. "Ughhhh. I feel so tired and I just woke up!" I complain.

"I'm sorry. Also I think your a little bitchy today. But I still love you."
He grins helping me get up.

"At least your honest asshole." I say feeling a little annoyed with him.

"Im going to go make you pancakes...." He says slowly walking out the room.

I groan as I pick out my clothes for the day and take a shower. I walk into the kitchen and the smell of chocolate chip pancakes hit my nose. It smelled so good. I like chocolate. Skye was sitting at the table eating some pancakes as she ran over to me.

"Morning Wyn! And morning baby!" She said hugging me. And kissing my stomach.

I smiled as I grabbed a stack of pancakes and sitting down next to her. "Thank You." I told Kayden kissing him.

"Anything to make you happy." He smiled and kissed back.

Kayden and I are taking online school at the moment because our parents felt like it would be for the best and we agreed. "We're going to finish shopping for the nursery today." I demanded.

"But-" He started before closing his mouth realizing I was in a bitchy mood today.

"We're going in an hour. Be ready or I'll replace your dick with your nose." I finish, starting to wash the dishes.

"Well then. I'm going to be right back, I'm going home to get something to wear. Also your parents are at my house if your wondering." He said fast walking out the front door.

I sigh clenching my fist under the water.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I love you." Kayden said coming back in and giving me a kiss. He then left to go to his house again.

After I finish the dishes, I join Skye in the living room watching Tangled. Skye moves closer to me as she puts her hand on my now very big bump.
"She kicked. I think she likes you. Your going to be a great aunt." I laugh

Skye giggles. "Woah. That feels cool. When is she gonna be born?" She asks.

"She? What makes you think it's going to be a girl?" I smile, loving how she is trying to guess what the baby will be.
"The baby is due on May 8th."

"I don't know. I'm just guessing. Sorry baby if your a boy and I called you a girl."

"Put your ear on my stomach. It's really cool." I say rubbing the bump.

She puts her ear on it and her face lights up. I love seeing her excited about the baby because I'm going to need some extra help. I am curious on what the baby is going to be though. Kayden and I need to start thinking of names for both genders.

"I'm backkk! And I bought you chocolate!" Kayden says running over to me.

"Oh my god. You know how much I love chocolate! I love you, I love you, I love you!" I scream taking the chocolate from him and giving him a passionate kiss.

He just smiled and kissed my forehead. "So lets go finish shopping now shall we?"

"Yea!" I say pulling him out the door and getting in the car.

We finally get to the mall and look in some stores until we find something we like.

"Lets look for like yellow or green colored things so its not gender chosen." I say looking at some changing tables.

"How about this one then?" Kayden asked, pointing to a brown changing table with swirl engravings.

"Oh my god. It's perfect!"

We picked up some animal paintings, a high chair, a rug and some other decorations before we paid and left.
We get back home and see my mom and dad putting together the nursery.

"Here's some more stuff." Kayden laughs setting everything down.

"Thanks for helping guys." I smile, my eyes tearing up a bit.

Kayden puts his arm around my waist and brings me closer to him as he kisses my forehead and puts his hand on my stomach. I could tell he was the one. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Ahhh so hard to think of ideas on this part lol. Btw do you want the baby to be a boy, girl, or twins? ;)
Also comment names please!


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