Chapter 10 - Keith, Part 2

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/* TW: Abuse, bullying, death.  I love Keith so much, writing this ( and the last part) actually hurt my heart. */

Keith's POV

He runs away, away. Tears stream like a waterfall down his face. He continues blindly for a long time, before he stops to rest against a wall. The metal wall is cool against his hot skin, and he leans into it. He hears voices in the room next to him, and can't help overhearing some of the words.

"Keith and I were sparring like usual. He wins of freaking course. I hate him so much; he can't take any hints, can he?" Lance complains loudly. Hunk and Pidge laugh. Keith's stomach churns as he realizes what he's hearing. Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are talking behind his back in the kitchen of the Castle.

"Just give him some time, Lance. He'll come around eventually," Shiro remarks. Keith's eyes widen. Shiro is talking behind his back, too? And he's agreeing with Lance that Keith is annoying. The hall spins around him, but he shakes his head to rid himself of his dizziness. He has to get away, so he does.

Keith nearly takes out Allura in his haste.

"Keith, what are you doing?" she asks, her disgust thinly veiled. All he manages is a low ummm as he stares at her with blank eyes. She rolls her eyes at him.

"Typical Galra. Do whatever you quiznacking want and ignore the consequences, right?" she huffs. A tear makes its way down his face as he backtracks. Allura huffs again before stomping the way she came.

Keith dashes towards the hangar. The lions won't mind his company. He takes Red out for a spin, hoping to clear his head. In space, ahead of him, Keith spots the Black Lion. The lights are off. Behind the Black Lion is the carnage from the battle with Zarkon. Keith's heart freezes in his chest. He and Red drag the lion to the Castle. The team meets him in the hangar.

"Keith! Where's Shiro?" Lance yells at him, panic lacing his tone. Where's Shiro?

"He's not in there?" Keith panics. They all turn and shake their heads at him. Keith cries, his heart can't take any more pain. He spins around and books it.

He runs onto a green field on an alien planet. Keith is in the middle of a battle, Galra foot soldiers fighting rebels on the ground, ships zooming overhead and shooting at one another. He stops, taking the scene in. What is happening?

"Keith! Come in, we need back up ASAP!" Pidge's voice calls through his helmet. Keith turns, finding the Green paladin with his eyes. Sure enough, she is surrounded by five enemies. Keith takes off, forming his bayard into a sword. He slices the soldiers in half, but he's too late.

"Pidge!" Keith shouts, fear squeezing his heart. A blood seeps from a wound on her chest, she was shot. Keith kneels and gathers her in his arms. She still has a pulse.

"Guys! Pidge is down, I need back up!" he calls in his helmet. No one responds, too busy with their own battles.

"Keith..." Pidge whispers. Keith has to lean in to catch what she is saying. "This is all your fault. You were supposed to be here." Her body falls limp. Keith's blood turns to ice in his veins because she is right. He abandoned his friends when they needed him, and now Pidge is dead. He sobs violently over his friend.

"Keith! Help me!" Hunk yells through the comms. Keith is back on his feet. He'll come back for Pidge later, right now the rest of his team needs him. He locates Hunk, and races towards the yellow paladin. He's too late once again.

Keith cradles Hunk's head in his lap, tears running down his face as Hunk breathes his last. "Your fault," Hunk whispers as death takes over. Pain swells in Keith's chest. Not another friend gone.

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