Part .1.

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The spinning chainsaw was about halfway through it, and my screams and cries for help were nothing but futile, getting drowned out by the noise. The blood was splattering everywhere as my body struggled to get out of the situation I was in.

There was nothing I could've done, my body felt paralyzed once its contact with my wings was cut short. I couldn't feel anything. The source of my strength and my endurance was gone, replaced with the feeling of dread and frustration. My hands were twitching, soaked in blood, and my mind was scattered. My emotions were getting jumbled up in the pit of my chest.

Everything was getting blurry, the only noise that emerged after the chainsaw stopped was the laughing and chuckling of the viewers. I was in a state of shock, unable to process my surroundings, my vision was escaping me. Was that how I died? After only seven years of existence, my life was going to end in such a way?

My struggles were over, and my mind was blank. Everything fell into the darkness of the void. My life was over for sure.

PART .1.

The sound of my car engine was drowning out the music on the radio, it was deafening almost, yet I was used to it. I began blasting my music at full volume in hopes of hearing maybe a glimpse of it but it was a useless effort.

I turned the radio off, hoping I was getting nearer to my destination, I was starting to get car sick. I never drove around a lot, most of the times I used my car as a storage room, which explained the amount of junk thrown in the back seat. Everything from old, drowned in dust chairs to dirty and unusable carpets. It was all there, and I was too lazy to do anything about it.

The faint orange light in my car was enough to fill me with serenity, it made it feel more cozy to be in that car, despite the tight space that I had for myself. My large body was too big for me to have a comfortable space in it, so most of the time I was hunched over inside it, and my feet were shoved to the sides since I desperately tried not to hit the breaks by accident.

Maybe it was a mistake to buy it from a titan gremlin, as large as they sounded their bodies were still small, reaching maybe the height of my hip.

The sky outside was completely black, only being lit up by the faint lights of the stars. Oddly enough, with the moon being full and towering above me with its blue light, I didn't have the urge to howl. In some cases, if a wolf or any canine-typed monster didn't howl at a full moon, it meant they were in a shitty mood....

In a matter of a few minutes, I was able to see the distant silhouette of the grand hotel, standing tall near the cliffs at the end of the road. It was magical yet sinister at the same time. I've been looking forward to that place for the previous months.

It had a very interesting gothic design to it, with high, monstrous like towers and pillars, as well as the mountains and forests Around it, it was quite a sight. I wasn't surprised at how thousands of people from all around the monster-side visited it during the summer alone. Though in the winter, which was when I was going.... I was the only one.

Maybe it was better that way, having most of the rooms for myself, though of course I had to get to know the staff since I was going to be staying there for a few years.

My car was right on the driveway, or maybe it wasn't a driveway, since it was just a piece of land with no grass on it.

There were a pair of eyes looming on me from the entrance of the hotel, it was a tall, slender man with pale skin and sunken eyes. He was wearing very formal attire, with his hands behind his back and his blank, emotionless expression staring right into me.

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