Chapter 1

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Avery was waiting for one of the guys to open the door after she knocked using their secret knock that Ryan and Avery had been doing since they were kids and had shown it to they guys when they all became close. Finally, Ryan opened the door.

"Hey, Avery, sorry for the wait Alec decided we should play a round of Mario Cart and well didn't fancy losing so.."

Avery laughs a little at him knowing exactly where it was going. Ryan steps aside so she can enter the house to which she turns around and faces him after he closed the door behind her.

"So you ended up losing anyway because you were too far behind so made the dash for the door to use that as your reason for losing rather than admitting you were going to lose yet again"

Ryan just stands there and looks at her not knowing how to respond to that. Avery smiles and links arms with him.

"How about we get to the other two and I'll show you, kids, how to properly play Mario Cart"

They walk up to the games room to find Nathan and Alec on their last lap with the finish line in sight with Nathan in the lead and Alec trailing behind.

Nathan jumps up just as he crosses the finish line. Avery walks away from Ryan and sits in between Nathan and Alec putting her hand out so Alec can hand her the remote.

"Thank you, Alec, now Nathan I hope you didn't get too comfortable with winning because now that I'm here you are no longer required to keep my spot away from Alec and Ryan. Thanks for keeping it warm for me though but now it's time to go"

Avery and Nathan both get ready as the clock ticks down as soon as it goes to one Avery is off while Nathan had a spin-out from revving too soon. By the time it reaches the last lap and the finish line is in sight they are neck in neck so they both stand up trying to get their characters to drive faster Avery hit the last box and got the speed booster mushroom and uses it to speed to the finish line leaving Nathan in second place.

"Sorry Nathan but I just can't give up my winning streak on Mario Cart"

They all burst out laughing when they stop laughing they all sit back down and look at each other before Alec speaks.

"Okay so what shall we do today because I don't know about you lot but I feel like actually going out and doing something"

"I agree with Alec we should do something while you three have some time off because before long you are going to be busy and we won't have as much time for going out and about"

Everyone goes quiet as they all try to come up with something to do for the day. They guys knowing that at some point in the day they will have to break the news to Avery that they will have to leave at the end of the week for a last-minute trip that they found out about this morning.

"How about we go bowling and then laser tag followed by swimming and water slides"

"I like that idea Ryan, although if we are going to do that I'll need to run home and get my stuff for swimming"

"How about we all get our things together and we will get you from your house then Avery"

"Yeah sounds good to me Nathan. I'm going to run now and get my things together I'll see you guys in a while so"

Avery bids them goodbye before running home and getting her things together and waiting for the guys. All the while the guys are getting ready

"We need to tell her about it this week is the last week we can hang out for a month and a half"

"I know Nathan I think we can all agree that we hate having to say goodbye to Avery she's one of the best friends we have"

"Aww, Ryan is getting all mushy. Although Avery loves when we go on tour because she loves the stories we have when we get back and she loves seeing us becoming more and more noticed and our band slowly getting out there"

"See we have nothing to worry about Avery always takes it as good news and is happy for us so it will be all good. Now how about we go pick her up and tell her "

The boys head out to the car and jump in heading to Avery's when they arrive they beep the horn and Avery walks out and jumps into the back of the car with Ryan

"Alright, Avery before we go anywhere we have news for you. We have a last-minute trip and we will be leaving at the end of the week and we won't be back until the tour finishes"

"Well then let's make the most out of the time we have so. But firstly it's my turn to pick the music"

Nathan passes the aux cord back to Avery to which she smiles as a thank you and then plugs it into her phone and scrolls down through her playlists and presses shuffle play on her playlists titled 'my version of greatest hits'

"Now boys take notes this is what good music sounds like"

"Alright then Avery but answer us this why do you never sing along to your favorite songs cause that normally comes part in parcel with favorite songs"

Avery hesitates for a moment not sure how to respond to that.

"Um because I don't want to hurt your eardrums with my terrible singing"

"Nope you can't judge your own singing everyone always says they can't. So we will be the judges of that"

Avery laughs and shakes her head at the guys.

"Nathan what makes you sure that I'll even sing in front of you lot"

"There's more to it than you are letting on isn't there Avery"

Avery looks down and twiddles her thumbs trying to think of what to say

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