Chapter 15

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After Ryan left Emma went up to Avery. when she saw her slumped on the floor she knew something had happened.

"Avery, are you okay"

She immediately put on a smile and looked up at Emma and stood up in the process.

"Yep everything is good I'm just really tired so I'm going to go to bed and if you don't mind can you make sure that nobody checks in on me as I need time to get a good rest and let's face it none of you are quite about the matter"

"Okay if you are sure but you know you can always talk to. I'll tell Mom and Dad sleep well Avery let me know if you need anything"

Emma leaves the room and heads back down to the living room.

"Avery is going to go to sleep and doesn't want to be disturbed"

"Does she need anything"

"Nope but I told her to let me know if she did"

Meanwhile Avery was pacing around her room trying to figure out what to do. She knew she had to do something but she didn't know where to start.

Her phone starts to ring she checks and sees that it's Alec. She hesitates for a moment but answers.

"Hey Avery"

"Hey Alec, what's up"

"Is everything okay"

She pauses debating whether to tell him what is going on or not.

"Yeah why"

"Cause Ryan is after coming home stroppy and when Nathan asked what was up he flipped and said why don't you ask Avery it's not my business to say seen as though she wants nothing to do with me any more"

"Alec if I tell you can't tell anyone"

"I won't say anything"

"Alec it's Jed he somehow managed to get a letter to me when I was in the hospital. In the letter he said that he was going to go after Ryan as payback for the so called stunt I pulled"

"Shit Avery why didn't you say anything"

"Because he threatened to do it sooner if I said anything he said that he had eyes on me that he knew what I was doing. That's why I pushed him away because I don't want anything to happen to him"

"Why do I get the feeling that you are going to do something"

"Because I'm about to go do something"

"I don't know what you are going to do but you aren't going to do it alone"

"Alec no I won't drag you into this too"

"I'm not letting you do this alone"

"I don't have time to argue so you can drive meet me down the road from my house in ten minutes. Don't tell anyone where you are going"

"Okay, see you in a few"

She ends the call and gets what she needs and puts it in a bag. She then proceeds to jump out her window and into the tree and climbs down and heads to where she told Alec to meet her.

She sees him waiting there for her. She gets into the car and puts on her belt. She pulls a black cap out of her bag and puts it on.

"Go to the abandoned unit by the docks"

Alec just nods and starts to drive.

"Alright what's with the hat"

"Don't want anyone to see me that would let the family know I'm not in bed asleep"

"Of course you snuck out"

"Avery what are we supposed to do if this goes south. Nobody knows where we are so what are we going to do if this doesn't go as you have imagined"

"Well we either get killed or held captive and if I know my parents they will likely check to make sure I'm okay and when they don't see me in bed they will call Ryan to see if I'm with him then Ryan will realise that you never returned and thus they will figure out that you got roped in and were helping me with the plan"

"Okay that seems a bit far fetched but alright. Now do you care to tell me what exactly you have planned cause I'd rather not go into this blind so plaese do enlighten as to what the hell we are going to be doing so I can avoid getting killed"

"Well you see Jed being so caught up in me getting away will have his guys out try to get me back. Cause in the letter he said that he would have is guys waiting for the opertune moment to get me again. Which means that very little or none of them will be at the unit which gives us the perfect opportunity to sneak up on Jed knock him out tie him up and throw him in the boot and get him to the Garda"

"Avery that is the stupidest idea ever there is no way that it is going to work we could definitely get killed"

"Alec you can go back if you want but one way or another I am making sure he can't get at me anymore because I refuse to live in fear that he could do something"

"As stupid and crazy of an idea that this is I'm not about to leave you on your own"

Avery doesn't say anything she just zones out and looks out the window. Neither of them said anything.

All of a sudden Avery felt Alec grab her hand and give it a light squeeze.

"Alec why are you holding my hand"

She looks at her hand still feeling someone holding it but Alec wasn't holding her hand.

"Avery I'm not holding your hand"

She moves her hand a bit and the feeling of someone holding her hand disappears. She shakes her head dismissing the thought.

"Are you okay Avery"

"Yeah all good think my mind is playing tricks on me or something cause I literally felt like someone was holding my hand but yet you weren't. I don't know it doesn't make sense"

They both stay quite and Alec keeps driving.

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