Chapter 5

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The guys have left to go on tour Avery didn't go to the airport to see them off like she had usually done every time before. The guys were on the plane Nathan turns to Ryan.

"What happened last night with Avery what did she say when you told her. Was it that bad that she ignored our calls this morning"

"I didn't tell her Nathan I was going to but then she said the whole oh your my best friend and well after hearing that I couldn't say it. It would have been awkward between us. But apparently I just made it awkward anyway"

"Ryan you need to talk to her when we land call her"

Ryan nods and tries to get some sleep before they land. meanwhile, Avery is at home sitting on the couch talking to Emma.

"Ryan went to say it Emma but he changed it. I think you miss read the signs Emma"

"Why don't you go for a walk and clear your head"

"Alright I'll see you in a bit"

Avery gets up and goes for a walk. While she is walking she runs into an old friend.



"How have you been I haven't seen you in years"

"I have been good, how have you been getting on"

"Been great got my dream job of being a chef have my own restaurant and all"

"Max that is amazing I am delighted for you"

Avery's phone starts to ring she looks to see who it is and sees that its Ryan so lets it ring out.

"Do you need to get it"

"No it's okay they will call back later" 

"Alright, Avery I know its a long shot but do you want to have dinner with me later so I can see what you think of my restaurant"

"I'd love to Max"

"Cool I will pick you up at eight, do you still live at home"

"Yeah I do"

"I will see you at eight so oh and dress nice"

"Okay, see you at eight Max"

They part ways and Avery heads home when she walks in the door she bumps into Emma.

"Sorry Emma didn't see you"

"That's okay, how was your walk"

"It was good. I ran into Max he asked me out to dinner tonight at his restaurant"

"Ohhh nice I've heard that the food is supposed to be amazing I heard a few girls talking about it in work"

"I better go get ready he will be here in an hour"

"If you need a hand picking out an outfit for your date let me know"

"Alright will do Emma"

Avery goes upstairs to her room and gets changed into a nice dress when she sits down to do her make up she gets a video call from Alec so she answers.

"Hey Avery"

"Hey Guys sorry I missed you going this morning"

Avery avoids looking at Ryan and just looks at Alec and Nathan while doing her makeup.

"Where are you off to dressed so fancy"

Avery looks at Ryan to answer his question.

"Do you remember Max the one who became a chef and has his own restaurant well I ran into him today and he asked me to go for dinner with him so I said yes"

"Ohh have fun Avery let us know what the food is like"

"I'll try and don't worry Nathan I will let you know if I recommend it. How was your flight"

"It was good aside from someone being worried and constantly going on about it"

"Who was worried and about what and is all okay now"

"Ryan was worried about you because you didn't show or answer your phone"

"Yeah sorry about that"

"So what time is your date coming to get you at"

"Hey said he would be here at eight so he will be here in around fifteen minutes"

Avery finishes her makeup and fixes her hair. Ryan leaves the room Avery notices and looks towards when he was.

"Is Ryan okay"

"Uhhh yeah he's just beating himself up because he messed up on something"

"Alec what did he mess up"

Before Alec can answer Avery hears the door bell ring.

"I have to go could you guys make sure he's okay for me and get him to call me later"

"Will do enjoy your date"

"I'll try"

Avery ends the call and goes downstairs to see Emma talking to Max. Max sees Avery coming and smiles.

"Wow you look stunning"

"Thanks Max, you clean up well yourself"

Max leads Avery out to his car and opens the door for her. She gets in and Max closes the door and goes around to the other side and gets in and drives to his restaurant. They both get out and head in and are seated they talk and eat and by the end of the night Avery turns to Max

"Max can I ask for a favour"

"Of course, although I can't promise I'll be able to help"

Avery explains it all to Max. They discuss it and Max drops her home when she gets in she goes up to her room that's when her phone starts to ring. She looks and sees that she's getting a video call from Ryan so she answers.

"Hey Ryan"

"Hi Avery"

"What's up Ryan you've been acting wierd since you came over"

"Nothing I just had stuff on my mind but it's all good now"

"Did I do something"

"What makes you think that"

"I just have a feeling that you aren't telling me something"

"It's not you Avery I'm the one who is the problem I messed up on things"

"Do you want to talk about it. They do say a problem shared is a problem halved"

"Thanks Avery but I think this is something that I need to deal with by myself"

"Well if you change your mind I'll be here and we can talk"

"Thanks Avery, you should get some sleep"

"And so should you"

"Don't worry I will"

"Night Ryan"

"Night Avery"

They end the call and head to bed.

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