Chapter 12

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A few weeks have passed all of Avery's cuts and bruises have healed she has fought off the sepsis. Emma does be in with her every day she doesn't like leaving her side till someone comes to sit with Avery even then she is reluctant to leave her.

Avery is getting more comfortable around Nathan, Alec and Mason as well as her Dad. But she still doesn't go near Ryan and often flinches away from his touch. Seeing her starting to be comfortable around everyone else while she keeps pulling away from him is starting to affect him.

Ryan was heading into the hospital to see Avery when he was just about to walk into her room he heard her talking to her dad.

"Daddy why does he keep coming back"

"Because Ryan cares about you more than you know he wants to be here for you. He wants to help in anyway he can"

Avery goes quite for a moment unsure of what to say.

"Avery why is it that you are uncomfortable around Ryan"

"Daddy for four months Jed kept saying stuff about Ryan and anytime I told him he was wrong I'd get hurt that went on every day multiple times a day. Every time he would say how Ryan was the one who helped him the night Jed kidnapped me that Ryan had helped him because he wanted to get rid of me"

"Sweetheart I know for a fact that that's not true Ryan loves you and would never ever do that to you he spent the last four months blaming himself saying he never should have left you that night. He went and helped to find you every day. Their was days I had to force him to rest cause he didn't want to stop till he found you and knew you were safe"

Avery smiles not knowing what to say. When nothing is said for a moment Ryan decides that he should walk in before they find him ease dropping.

"Good morning Mr. Williams, good morning Avery"

Avery laughs a little hearing Ryan call her Dad Mr. Williams. Ryan smiles hearing Avery laugh.

"I have to go sweetheart but I'll be back later"

"Okay, I love you Daddy"

"I love you too darling"

He gives Avery a quick hug and when he's about to walk out of the room he turns to Ryan.

"Ryan can I speak with you for a minute"


Ryan follows him out of the room.

"Be patient with her in time she will open up to you. Jed is the reason for her reactions towards you. But you already know cause you heard what she said. Don't give up on her"

"I don't plan on ever giving up on her. Whether she knows it or not I intend on sticking by her and helping her through this"

Avery smiles hearing what Ryan said to her dad.

"I'm glad that she has a good friend like you. Now you gowan and go keep her company"

Ryan nods and heads back into Avery's room. He stands in the corner by the window like he always does.


Ryan looks up towards Avery surprised to hear her talk to him. It's the first thing she's said to him since she's been found.


"Please sit, you stand every time you've been in the past two weeks"

Ryan goes towards the chair and goes to move it.

"Wait don't move the chair"


Ryan sits down on the chair beside her bed.

"Ryan I'm sorry. I know it doesn't help that I keep flinching away from you. It's just over the last four months Jed.."

Tears start to stream down Avery's cheaks.

"He is a complete psychopath, he would hit and kick me and he'd starved me for days then give me just enough to eat and drink to keep me alive. So many times I thought that he was going to kill me he'd beat me so much sometimes one of his guys would try to take me to a doctor as he had almost killed me but he wouldn't allow it as that would result in me being found. He told me that you were the one who helped him I kept telling him that you would never do that to me that you cared about me and would never do anything to hurt me. Every time I fought back he would.."

Avery starts to struggle to say it as the images flash through her mind.

"Avery you don't have to tell me the whole story now especially if it's affecting you this much okay. Just know that no matter what I'll be here for you if you want to talk about it okay just please don't feel like you have to say it all in the one go"

Avery nods in response trying to stop herself from crying. Ryan hated to see her cry not knowing what to do that would help her. He just wanted to hug her and tell her that it was going to be okay. But how would he know if it was going to be okay. Jed hasn't been found for all they knew he could be coming back for Avery.

That's why they all took turns going in to see her and ensuring that she was never alone. They didn't know if she was safe. All they knew is that she was not okay and that if Jed were to come back and take her that the chances they had of seeing her again would be slim to none.

Avery's family knew what Jed was like and they knew that if he didn't get his way the first time that he most certainly would the second time.

Avery's Dad Michael was on edge about the whole situation he was considering calling his brother Thomas in to see if he could help with his son Jed. To see if he could help find him.

All the while when everyone was worrying about Avery she was slowly sinking further into herself constantly repeating Jed's words in her head.

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