-Relentless Rain-

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It was an exceptionally rainy day in Sofia Bulgaria, not that the rain is my biggest concern right now. The terrorists holding us hostage is my big problem. We've lost our protective escort and two of my group members are hurt, one of the terrorists stabbed Matt this morning and I'm pretty sure Amelia has a concussion. I knew something messed up would probably happen if I took this assignment and as soon as they mentioned Bulgaria I should have known.

"Kenzie, Matt has lost a lot of blood. What are we going to do? They will be back with more questions" Amelia whispers.

"I know I know I'm working on it" I mumble wracking my food and sleep deprived brain.

"What if they start killing us one by one"? Andy panics.

I shake my head.

"We are Americans. They won't risk picking us off if they can ransom us first Andy" I tell him, though Amelia is right those bastards will be back with demands.

I crawl across the dusty floor to check on Matt myself and he's not doing good his skin a pale grey colour from all the blood loss. We all jump when the door slams open and the leader, Keeli walks in.

"Have you changed your mind"? He asks in broken English kicking dust in my face.

"Let the others go. I'm the one in charge you'll get more for me" I tell him while pressing my hands over Matt's stab wound.

"If we refuse"? The leader wonders.

"You'll never know all the secrets, America's secrets" I say trying to keep my voice light as if this a conversation with a regular person.

This makes him pause but not for long since one of his buddies shoves me away from Matt. There's only three of them in the room with us if I could just get a hold of one of them get my hands on a weapon.

"What secrets"? Keeli demands.

"Come closer and I'll tell you" I say trying to sound flirty it worked.

I punch him in the face once he's off balance I wrap my arm around his neck and squeeze. But before I get the chance to threaten the other two men in the room for a second time the door files open except this time it looks like the men who stormed in aren't Bulgarians actually they look like military. Navy.

I drop Keeli and throw my hands up so they don't think I'm an enemy combatant. I half collapse back onto the dusty floor next to Amelia who immediately grabs onto me taking handfuls of my shirt.

"Derek! Take care of that knife wound" One of them says with a deep southern accent.

Speaking of Matt I drag myself back over to him crap he's unconscious again that's not good.

"He was stabbed only this morning I'm pretty sure the knife missed the femoral artery- tried to keep him awake- no allergies" I list not noticing Amelia pulling me off of Matt back onto her legs.

"Thanks that helps a lot" The guy- Derek says crouching down by Matt.

"It's ok Kenzie you can relax now" Amelia says holding me tighter.

I scan the room looking at the guys squinting at the names on their vests only to blink a few times stopping on one vest, Hayes. There's no way it could be Jason.

"Amelia I'm fine" I mutter needing to get up and see for myself if it's Jason or not.

Shakily I climb to my feet using the wall to help keep me steady staring at the man across from me. It kind of looks like him but the light is horrible in here so I can't be sure.

"Jason"? I ask squinting at him.

His head snaps up and now he's staring at me.

"Rollins"? He asks completely surprised.

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