-A Family-

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"Welcome to Bravo" Blackburn congratulates me shaking my hand.

"Thank you" I reply feeling almost giddy I can't believe this actually happened.

"So Jason tells me you have some serious martial arts skills" Blackburn hints meaning Jason probably told him about the handstand thing.

"Yeah I do" I duck my head sheepishly.

"That's a good thing to have in this line of work" He comments thankfully not dwelling on it too much.

I wear my new Id badge around my neck all the way back to my house only to have my good mood shattered by a horribly familiar car sitting in my drive way. Robert. I scramble for my phone dialling 911 while running up the steps I'm sickened by seeing him near my sister.

"What are you doing in my house"? I demand sharply noting that Taylor looks super creeped out and scared.

"Chatting with Taylor here" He says in a sickly sweet voice.

Thankfully the cops chose that moment to walk through the door.

"He needs to leave! He's stalking me" I point to Robert.

"Sir you need to leave" They order him to leave my house thank god.

"Sure" He agrees strolling right out the front door, the look in his eyes chilling me to the bone.

A couple of tense moments go by before I can make words move past my lips.

"I want a restraining order" I state putting my hands on my hips.

"You'll need a third person to make a statement that this man is in fact stalking you" The officer counters snidely.

"Ok" I hit the number one speed dial on my cell phone and wait for Jason to pick up his phone.

Jason point of view
"Come on Sonny! Ray is kicking your ass" I yell over to Sonny himself.

He mutters something about Ray having less things to carry in his backpack I shake my head opting to cut them some slack the team being down a man right now.

My phone starts ringing squinting down at the display in the bright sunlight I see that it's Rollins.

"Hey uh can't really talk right now I'm running drills" I say wondering why she'd be calling me I told her the team was running drills this morning.

"I need you to come to my house" Is all she says.

I can hear other voices in the background besides her and Taylor why are there other people in her house.

"Why"? I ask her wondering what is happening why she sounds so stressed out.

"I'm going to tell you something and I don't want you to overreact ok Jason" She cautions.

Overreact? What the hell is going on over there?


"Robert was in my house"

"I'm on my way" I end the call totally seeing red somewhere in the back of my head I remember calling out to Ray telling him to finish the drill.

I run off the training range in full kit not that I really noticed all that matters to me is making sure Rollins is okay. I jump in my truck and speed over to her house concerned by the cop car sitting in front of it, not good. I jog up to the door before I even get it open I can hear Taylor's voice she sounds pissed.

"Taylor" I say getting in between her and the cop.

"Sir? Who are you"? The cop asks.

"Master Chief Hayes" I toss over my shoulder keeping my hands on Taylor's shoulders holding her in place.

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