-Looking Back Part Two-

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We sneak out of the party and walk around in the hotel garden in the soft light of the full moon. I twirl around letting my skirt puff all the way out nearly stumbling I keep walking on the path sniffing random flowers.

"I've been going to these parties since my mother started the foundation this is the most fun I've had at one" I sigh happily linking my arm with his arm.

"You look like you're having fun" He nods.

"You too" I add looking up at him.

"I am" He confirms looking out over the garden.

"Taylor used to get so bored no one would dance with her or all they would talk about is the foundation but she's older now it's better" I explain remembering all the times she and I would dance together.

"Clearly she took over your house" Jason comments.

"You tomorrow we'll be doing our jobs again" I sigh looking down at my dress.

"I know" He agrees.

"It's kind of like Cinderella, I mean for one night a year I get to trade my jeans and Kevlar for fancy ball gowns and shoes. But then I have to go and get into the worst peoples heads" I continue holding his arm closer.

"What does that make me"? He wonders honestly.

"One of my favourite people" I answer honestly too.

I could swear he's blushing again I've got to be seeing things or maybe he's got feelings too?

Jason point of view
We pause when a security guard blocks our path back inside he says something to Rollins that I didn't catch but whatever it was has changed her whole mood.

"Thank you hold him there and no one tells Bonnie under any circumstances got it"? Rollins asks using her profiler voice.

"Of course" The guard skitters away back into the hotel.

"Rollins? What is it"? I ask her scanning the immediate area for danger.

"My father" She mutters dropping my arm.

She stalks back through the crowd of people moving with a purpose until she stops at the main entrance by the security desk.

"What are you doing here"? She demands standing in front of man who looks pretty drunk.

"I'm here to support your mother" He slurs.

"Then why are you drunk? You do this every year this isn't support not even close. Do I have to kick you out in front of all these nice people"? Rollins puts her hands on her hips shoulders squared.

"How is your mom"? Her father asks heavily slurring now but there's something dark and dangerous in his eyes.

"You don't get to ask that" Rollins snaps punching him in the nose.

"Get him out of here" She snaps to the security staff.

Spinning on her heel and walks off to the point where I have to jog to catch up with her.

"Hey slow down" I say when I catch up.

"Sorry you had to see that" She mutters getting that pissed off look in her eyes.

Mackenzie Rollins point of view

"Sorry you had to see that" I mutter hating that my father is like that and the fact that Jason had to see it.

"Not your fault" He does that lift spinning thing that puts butterflies in my stomach.

"Stop that" I giggle despite of the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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