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I've happily fallen into a comfortable routine with the guys, we have a bond now that I'm proud to say is unbreakable. Tonight I'm on a date that Amelia set up he seemed nice but it turned bad as soon as we walk out of the bar and grill we were eating at.

I start panicking when he pushes me up against a wall my mind starts racing as he starts groping me and trying to kiss me. Something in me snapped I just start kicking and hitting I kick him in the balls and stagger away down the road. I frantically pull my phone out of my jacket and start pressing buttons with no clue who I just dialled.

"Rollins? Hey" I guess I hit Sonny's speed dial.

"Sonny"? I ask dazed looking around worried Robert is following me.

"Rollins? What's wrong"? He demands all the laughter gone from his voice.

Sonny point of view
Jason, Ray and I are kicking back at our favourite bar when my phone starts buzzing on the bar top. It's Rollins.

"Rollins? Hey" I say smacking Ray's arm he's laughing loudly at something Jason said and I'm trying to hear Rollins talking.

"Sonny"? She says.

In all the time I've known her I've never heard her sound so terrified that alone sobered me right up.

"Rollins what's wrong"? I demand smacking Ray again to his and Jason's attention.

"I can't get to my car" She says in a hushed but panicked voice.

"Why not"? I ask her already grabbing my jacket glad to see Ray and Jason doing the same thing.

"Sonny what is going on"? Jason asks falling into step next to me Ray on my other side.

I shrug my shoulders since I have no clue what the hell is going on either.

"Where are you"? I ask her.

"The Italian place on 3rd street" Rollins answers but then I hear her yelling and the call drops.

"Sonny" Jason says getting that stern Bravo 1 tone in his voice.

"Something's wrong Italian place on 3rd street" Is all I can say that's all the info I've got.

I'm pretty sure Jason broke every speed limit between the bar and the restaurant like we were driving in some burned out street in J-bad. We jump out of his truck and start looking around my adrenaline picks up I hear things banging around in the alley.

"Hey"! Jason yells taking off running down the alley.

Jason punches the guy square in the face while Ray and I grab Rollins both of us practically carrying her out of the alley with Jason covering us from behind. If it wasn't for the simple fact that she needs us right now I would have gone down there and beat that guy within an inch of his life.

Mackenzie Rollins point of view

I'm sandwiched between Ray and Sonny both of them looked worried and protective Jason looks downright murderous.

"Talk to us you ok" Ray asks trying to catch my eye.

I take a deep breath feeling an overwhelming sense of not clean along with the intense desire to shower.

"I want a shower" I whisper keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Let's get out of here" Jason says trading places with Ray.

Ray drives Jason's truck to his house I get out and stumble Jason picks me up before I can try and walk again.

"Jason! I can walk" I grumble frowning at the Bravo team leader.

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