-Looking Back Part One-

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The dress is prettier than I remember at the fitting a full red ball gown with flowers all over the top, I hold it in front of my body looking the mirror.

"It's perfect" Taylor smiles.

"The gold shoes you bought me are perfect" I say glad Blackburn gave the team the weekend off.

"You should ask Jason to go with you tonight" Taylor pipes up.

"Excuse me"? I sputter caught way off guard.

"Ask him. He'll wear his dress uniform it'll be sexy as hell" She forges on as if the look on my face means nothing to her.

"You won't stop until I ask him will you"? I ask her already knowing the answer but I have to ask anyway.

"You know I won't" She says proudly.

"Fine" I mutter shaking my head but I can't help but agree that Jason would look good in his dress uniform.

"Victory" She sing songs throwing her hands in the air.

I wait until around lunch time to pick up my phone and hit number one on my 6 speed dial buttons and wait for him pick up.

"Hey Rollins" He answers.

"Hey, I have a question for you" I start while smacking Taylor for trying to eavesdrop.

"Shoot" He says.

"So my mom throws this big charity ball every year. I was wondering if you would like to go with me"? I ask closing my eyes preparing myself for if he says no.

"You'd wear a fancy dress"? He deftly wonders.

"I would and you could wear your dress uniform" I say opening my eyes and shrugging my shoulders at Taylor.

"When"? Is his next question at least it's not outright refusal.

"Tonight. At the Grand Royal hotel" I answer grinning at Taylor who grinning right back.

"What time should I pick you up"? Comes the smooth reply I can practically hear him smiling through the phone.

"6:30" I say nodding my head.

"Alright" He confirms.

I hang up the phone tossing it onto the bed like it might explode if I held it any longer.

"Gosh you are blushing" Taylor pokes my arm a few times.

"No I am not" I say quickly maybe too quickly.

"You've been crushing on him since he walked back into your life, you can fool the boys but not me" She points out.

"It doesn't matter we work together" I sigh smoothing the statin skirt of my dress.

"You never know" Taylor shakes her head.

After lunch and some late afternoon movie watching we take turns and do each other's hair and make up, the only thing left is shoes and dresses. I'm kneeling down helping Taylor with her shoes just like when we were kids, there's a knock on the door.

"That's gotta be Jason" I stand up and jog down the stairs holding my skirt in my hands.

I pull the door open and smile at the man in front of me shiny shoes metals and ribbons on his chest though I'm humbled his jaw is on the floor. I step closer using my fingers I gently close his mouth pausing to admire his beautiful eyes.

"You'll catch flies that way" I tell him.

He nods wordlessly stepping inside it almost looks like he's blushing but there's no way. Right?

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