-Touch Down-

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The plane touches down on the tarmac Andy Amelia and Matt get taken to the base clinic, they take Matt and Andy to the hospital Amelia went back to her hotel room to eat and sleep. I got my head stitched at the clinic now I'm standing by the door not wanting to go out into the night just yet.

"You should have gone too Rollins" That's Jason.

"I just want to go home and sleep for a week" I say turning to face him.

I go outside he follows now standing on the sidewalk his presence is comforting just being near him again.

"Do I need to explain to you all the reasons you should have gone to get checked out"? He asks putting his hands on his now jean clad hips.

"No you don't but I'm going home Jason. I'm fine- I'll be fine" I tell him looking up at him.

He pulls me into a firm hug I warp my arms around his waist breathing that unique Jason scent.

"I'll drive you" He says stepping back.

I don't think I've ever been so happy to see my house in my life I don't even bother changing my clothes simply crawling into my bed and closing my eyes.

-Two days later-

I got my new phone and already I've been summoned by my boss only had the phone a couple hours. Decker must be beyond pissed. I walk right into his office not stopping to chat with any of the office personnel. I also texted my new number to Jason so he has it- I don't know why I guess I still have a crush on him.

"What the hell happened? Rollins"? Decker snaps.

"We were taken sir! Held for days" I snap back at him.

"You were supposed to watch out for them Rollins"! He yells at me.

Something in me snapped.

"Are you saying it was my fault" I ask quietly too angry to yell.

"Yes and you are fired" He says sternly also not yelling anymore.

I nod my head a couple times spinning on my boot heel and pause at the door looking back at my now former boss.

"You just lost your best operative" I say over my shoulder then slam the door shut.

I leave the building and get in my car my whole body buzzing with adrenaline ugh what an asshole. My phone dings it's a text from Jason.

J-Hey, what's up?-

M-Not much how about you?-

J-Starting a bbq with the boys. You want in?-

I could use some fun and time to kick back with people who I actually get along with.

M-Sure. Where?-

J-Ray's place 3397 Lakeshore drive-

M-Ok be there soon-

I put my phone away and get back on the road almost got lost but I found Ray's house, parking on the road. Ray seems like a cool guy hell the whole team of guys seem cool. I knock on the door and wait for it to open when it does it's a guy I don't recognize he's scruffy looking.

"Who's the girl"? He calls over his shoulder.

"Clay relax that's Mackenzie Rollins" Sonny moves the scruffy guy out of the door way.

"Hey Sonny" I smile.

He throws his arm around my shoulder like a brother would I chuckle at his goofiness.

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