-The Call-

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Sonny point of view
"I guess now would be a bad time to tell you Kenzie I lost my job" Taylor puts into the already tense atmosphere.

I wince as Rollins's eyes harden and her jaw clicks shut at the same time as her fingers start drumming rhythmically on the table.

"You. Lost. Your. Job"? She questions slowly punctuating each word as if were it's own sentence.

"Yeah I did. Can I stay with you"?

Wow as if Rollins didn't have enough to deal with right now I watch as something flickers in her eyes but then whatever it was is gone leaving her eyes dull and empty.

"Fine" She says through her teeth.

Taylor has the good sense to shut up after that Rollins drops her head into her hands elbows on the table.

"Is it too early to get drunk"? She asks honestly without lifting her head from her hands.

"Let's start with coffee" Jason slides a steaming cup over next to her plate.

She gives him a sideways glance but takes the offering anyway sipping at it slowly and deliberately.

Mackenzie Rollins point of view
Breakfast was tense and quiet after that just before we get to the door to leave my phone starts ringing in my jacket. Taking it out looking at my Bravo boys noticing it's Blackburn calling.

"Rollins"? I ask as my greeting.

"It's Blackburn. It was brought to my attention that you need a job and the team needs a profiler that could be in the field with the boys and in Havoc base with the command team" He explains.

Now my heart is racing for a good reason.

"Are you offering me a job"? I ask him nervously hoping he's serious.

"Is that a yes"? He chuckles.

"Yes of course yes that would be amazing" I rush out quickly resisting the urge to jump up and down.

"Did the boys show up at your house? They told me they were taking you for breakfast" He inquires lightly.

"Oh yeah they did. But they got there way before you called" I tell him laughing a little myself.

"I told them I had meetings but you know them as well as I do" Blackburn sighs fondly.

"Yes I do" I agree.

"Drop by my office and we can get the paperwork squared away there's only a few forms that need your signature since the rest already filed" Blackburn says.

"Sure sounds good" I nod my head glancing over my shoulder at my boys.

He ends the call and I pocket my phone turning back to the table all the boys grinning like kids on Christmas morning.

"So who was it"? Sonny sing songs Clay leaning on his shoulder.

"You know who it was" I say openly smiling at them.

We walk out the door a new air of happiness over us now it's much better than before I got the call.

"So Taylor what can you tell us about our girl here"? Clay questions tossing his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side.

"If you say one word" I warn her, seeing that mischievous glint in her eyes.

"One story please" Sonny begs using his southern puppy dog eyes.

I sigh I'm not winning this one especially with it being 7 against 1 ugh I give Taylor a look that says one story only.

"There was the time you kicked that kid in the balls for stealing my jello" She offers smiling reminiscently.

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