Chapter 9

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                                  Pierce's Pov

I was ecstatic, that Kevin was going to help me.

I still felt weird but that was my fault, he told me what he was going to do and I still followed him.

The way that boy moaned and writh under Kevin was, Im not sure how to put it into words.

Is it wrong that Im not repulsed by it?. Am I starting to adapt to this crazy times?

I smile thinking, soon I'll be able to hold a conversation with someone normal and not Kevin.

I felt a connection with him, but he was a rude, bad mouth boy who treated sex like it was a game.

And I thought I was a bad boy back then, yeah right.

I snort and roll my eyes, I don't have an ounce of badness that Kevin does.

''What is so fucking funny, that you have to snort like a pig''?. Kevin groaned into his pillow.

''You know, it is like 8:00 am, and you are still in bed''. I pointed outlooking at his collection of books.

''Thank you captain obvious''. I raised an eyebrow and turn to ask him what he had call me, but he had gotten up off the bed wearing nothing but black elastic pants and no shirt.

I gulp, and stay rooted on my spot.

What the hell is going on with me? Why do I suddenly feel like I want to caress Kevin's flat chest?

Why am I still staring at him as if he was something edible?

Kevin moaned as he stretch with his eyes close, and that did it for me, I felt something I used to feel when Peggy Sue would get close to me.

I look down and spotted my friend up and saluting the sky.

I gasped and made myself dissapear before Kevin open his eyes, but only on the other side of his door.

''Fucking weirdo''. I heard Kevin say in a bored tone.

His voice send chills down my spine, am I caughting what he has?

Is being gay even contagious?.

''Marie!,Marie!''. I yell out breathing hard while I ran all over campus and screaming her name.

Whe I got to our tree, she was there with her questioning eyebrow raised.

''Is liking other man contagious?, can I catch it from Kevin''? I ask and Marie smile.

''No honey you cannot''. She responded in her motherly tone.

''So is he helping you''?. Marie ask me while looking up at Kevin's window.

I spotted him by his window, he was talking and I wonder to who, he was alone in the dorm so was he crazy?.

''Convince him to take you with him to his family reunion, you'll find out somethings about him, honestly he is not a bad person, he is just been through alot''. Her voice held sadness and I look up to him to see him smile softly.

That was a genuine smile, not a fake one like the ones he put on his face for everyone else including me.

It hurt to think he saw me as he sees everyone else, why did it hurt?


Days have gone by, Kevin was warming up to me and me to him.

My akwardness grew more, I couldn't even see Kevin without a shirt without me getting as Kevin crudely put it, hard.

We were walking around campus, and I spotted this nice looking girt but she was showing to much skin for my taste, not to be rude but, why not leave something to imagination?, you know let me discover what you look under all your clothes, if you dress with little next to nothing well then I done saw everything and no need to prolonge each others company.

Anyways we were walking and the girl was smiling, but at that exact moment I hear a plap sound and Kevin cursing I turn around and saw Kevin bending over picking up what I recently learn it was a bluetooth, Kevin explained to me after I ask why was he talking to himself all the time.

When I saw him bending over I couldn't help it and I got hard, It was a constant occurrence lately.

I blushed when Kevin stood up and saw my buddy standing high and proud.

He look at 'it' smirked then  at me, then his eyes turn somewhere else, I follow his eyes and landed on the beautiful girl a few feet away from us.

''She is hot bro but I don't think she is it, I mean she can't see you, can she''?. Kevin drawl slowly and I groaned.

Why was I feeling this?. Why was Kevin having this effect on me?

I was so confused and felt frustrated with all of this.

It's been days, and lots and lots of girls and none of them saw me, but flirted with Kevin and that pissed me off.

Kevin had said ''no need to be jealous bro, I can bang her she is not your soulmate''. and he would take the girl back to his room.

During classes, I would sit on an empty chair while Kevin would do his work.

One day he was having problems answering something the teacher ask him and I went and stand behind him and read the answer, I then yell it out to Kevin and he widen his eyes and then answer the teacher.

He looked around the classroom but noone had seen or heard me but him.

He forbid me to do it again, I thought wasn't he a bad boy?, Then why doesn't he want to cheat?

I would be all over that if I was in his situation.

''Yes, bro I know and I already said I will try''. I heard his voice and i close my eyes to either enjoy the things it did to me, or try to will them away from me.

''Alright bye''. He reach over his ear and took the thing off it then throws it on the bed, sighing annoyed.

''What's going on''?. I ask him when I regained my breath back.

''This weekend is my family's reunion''. Kevin mumble with a far away look in his eyes.

''Why don't you want to go''?. I ask in a low voice, so that he knew I did care and not just being nosy.

I had to walk around tip toes with him, so he didn't push me away.

Weather it was because he was helping or because I was beginning to like being around him I don't know.

''I just don't, too many bad memories there''. He sigh and looks out the window.

I heard Marie's voice in my head, get him to invite you and you'll find out more about him.

''Hey how about, you go and I'll go with you, noone can see me just you so I can keep your mind occupy, and if it gets to be too much then we go''. I offer and he stiffen and turn his back to me facing the window.

I was biting into my lower lip, nervous the he might get angry and kick me out like last time.

''Why''?. He murmur and he slowly turn around to face me.

''Huh''?. I was not getting his question.

''Why do you want to help me''?. He ask making eye contact, I gasp at what I saw in his eyes, this was a scared boy, the sarcastic, cold hearted boy was gone being replace by a voulnerable and scare boy.

I suddenly had the urge to get up and hug him and kiss him to make him feel better.

That scare me, never have I felt like that with anyone, Peggy Sue never drag those kinds of feelings out of me.

''Your helping me, it's only fair to try and help you and hey whenever I find my soulmate, I will become solid and Im going to need a friend''. I chided happily and he just stared at me.

He gave it some thought of that I was sure, then he made eye contact with me and smile.

''Ok, you can come with me, but don't be surprise when 5 minutes after I get there, Im ready to get the fuck out''. I nodded and wonder just how bad is his family.

I guess I will find out.

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