Chapter 24

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Pierce’s Point Of View.

From wedding to funeral, we were all sitting in silence after we came back from the cemetery.

We buried Marie this morning; Kevin was quiet with tears coming out of his beautiful eyes.

He had given up on wiping them off, what was the use if fresh ones would come out as soon as you wipe off the ones before.

Kevin’s family was all here, well all except Seeley’s wife who had run off with the man she was cheating on him with and left him with his two kids.

Robert was quiet just consoling Peggy Sue who was a mess.

Who can blame her, she lost her mother.

‘’Kevin, here son’’. Peggy Sue whispers as she hands an envelope to Kevin.

Kevin gets it looking at his mom in a questioning matter.

‘’She wrote it, she told me to give it to you on the day she was bury’’. Peggy Sue sobs as she says dad and Kevin’s eyes filled with more tears.

‘’Dear, Ducky.

I know you must be a mess right now and I do not blame you my child, after all, I left on your wedding day.

I am sorry Ducky but I was on borrowed time, I wanted to see you getting married to that wonderful soul mate of yours he is the real thing, it is a forever kind of thing.

Remember the first day I called you Ducky?

How you got mad because you thought it was from the ugly ducky?

Honey you are the most beautiful boy out there, if you look at your husband’s necklace the one I gave him then you will see why I call you my ducky.

I did something for you, your daddy got good health, fix your relationship you love your daddy and he loves you too so fix it.

I love you my boy so do not be sad, be happy with Pierce, remember I will not be here in body but in soul.

One more thing baby, Seeley is going to need yours and Pierce’s help, please help him.

Love Grams.’’. Kevin stops reading the letter and glances my way and smile weakly.

He gets off his chair and sits on my lap.

He then slides his hand inside my shirt and grabs the necklace Marie had gave me.

I look down on it and we both gasp on the back of it it had the initials PM.KR and in the front was a small little head of a duck.

I made memory of when I met Marie; she had given me the necklace and had said my soul mate was a family member of hers.

She knew, she knew from the beginning that Kevin was supposed to be mine.

‘’I love you’’. I murmur in his ear.

He looked confused but then when he looked into my eyes he smile.

‘’I love you too’’. He replies and wraps his arms around my neck burying his face in the crook of my neck.

‘’How are we supposed to help Seeley?’’ Kevin questions as he looks at Seeley.

‘’Beats me’’. I respond shrugging my shoulders.

‘’I do not need any help, I already got an apartment and already have a job, actually I might have to use you two to baby sit’’. Seeley states and Kevin smiles.

I smile to babysitting sounded like something we could help him with.

‘’So I take it no honeymoon?’’ Robert asks as he looks at us both.

We both nod no.

‘’We are happy here, so no honeymoon’’. Kevin chides and I nod my head to agree with him.

‘’Ok, then tomorrow Pierce goes with me to the office to show him  what he needs to do, of course he won’t start for a while due to our family emergency, welcome to the family son’’. Robert drawls as he extends his hand for me to shake.

‘’Thank you sir, I promised I will take very good care of him’’. I hold eye contact with Robert as I promised him this.

‘’I do not doubted, if Marie trusted you than I will too’’. He chirps.

‘’Ugh dudes I am a boy and here so stop talking as if I am not’’. Kevin mumbles and I smile at my little blond.

Who knew that I was supposed to marry a boy, who knew that I was supposed to marry my girlfriend’s son.

I was happy and for the first time in a long while, I felt complete.

‘’What are you thinking about’’. Kevin asks me as we lie there on his bed.

‘’Just how I waited for so long to be with the one I love’’. I peck his forehead.

‘’You know before I met you all I did was get my dick wet, I did not want to be close to anyone’’. He sighs and he turns around with his back to me, I wrap my arms around his waist in a protective manner.

‘’What change?’’ I ask already knowing the answer.

‘’Casper the friendly ghost showed up, he was the only one that held eye contact when no one else could, I waited for so long for that one person to come and make me happy’’. He speaks softly as he put his hands on top of mine to bring them closer and tighten my hold on him.

‘’Well babe it looks to me like, the wait is over for the both of us’’. I whisper in his ear making him shiver.

We both fell asleep in each other’s arms, happy to be with one another.

And all thanks to Marie may she rest in peace.

A/N~ Sorry this is the end but as I wrote this another idea came to mind, yes this two will be in it but it’s about two others that really need love and no its no a sequel , another boyxboy story coming your way..

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