Chapter 21

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                                                       Kevin’s Pov.

‘’What, um wait what?’’ Great now I lose my voice.

I wanted to ask if he was serious.

Did he actually want to marry me? Me?

I was shock, surprised hell even terrified.

I did love Pierce but marrying him was so far out of mind.

What happen to my old-fashioned way, live in sin, and fuck like bunnies in sin.

I do not believe in a piece of paper to tell me whom I belong to and who belongs to me.

Pierce was looking more and more terrified, and who wouldn’t we went from proclaiming our love for each other to me sitting on one side of the bed with him staring at me on the opposite side of me.

I wanted to explain to him that this has nothing to do with him, I love him but the marriage thing just is not me.

Why should people feel like they have to spend money, invite people they do not even like and get stress with wedding preparations, wedding licenses and what not, just to prove they love each other?

I for one never believed in it, I feel like we are not proving each other our love but to the public.

I do not give a fuck about the public as long as we are happy together.

‘’Pierce we need to talk’’. I drawl slowly not making eye contact with him.

I hate how I am going to hurt him with my words, I sigh and rubbed my face that is when I heard a groan coming from Pierce’s lips.

I turn to look at him with an eyebrow raise in question.

‘’I proposed to you in a fuck up way didn’t I?’’ I smile at his face.

I was about to speak about my reasons why I was turning down his marriage proposal and hope he understood me.

However, he continues talking.

‘’I’m sorry Kevin  but I’m not sorry for wanting to spend the rest of my life with you and this time make sure I get to grow old have a couple of kids raise them and share walkers’’. He got closer to me until we were touching knees.

 ‘’Kevin before you no one was able to make me feel the way you do, I’m terrified of losing you, I’m terrified that Marie would come to me and say ‘I made a mistake Kevin is not your soul mate’’. He says with a sad voice.

I felt bad that he felt that way; it broke my heart thinking that would happen.

Pierce has become a great deal to me, he has become an important person in my life which it still amazes me how that happen, I am not one to trust people easily and Pierce broke that wall.

Could I be able to dismiss my views, my feelings about this entire marriage thing just to make Pierce happy and make him feel secure that him and me we will be together forever?

Is there such a thing as a forever?

‘’Kevin I am scared of losing you when I just got you’’. That right there brought tears to my eyes.

I sob silently avoiding his eyes; I did not want him to see me like this.

I hate to look weak.

‘’Kevin, love are you ok’’. Pierce’s voice had a tone of worriedness.

Moreover, I sob more I could not help it he was saying all the right things.

He was making me change my mind, he was making me feel special, and he was making this wedding business sound like a fantasy.

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