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Will I ever be enough?

My heart tells me I deserve the stars and the moon. That I am a good person and I deserve good things. 

But my mind. It tells me that I'll never be enough. My mind tells me that I'll never make it. It says I'll never be loved. 

It's hard to believe my heart because it is such a fragile thing that has led me stray too many times. That my mind always had to come to the rescue. 

With my mind getting me out of all the pains my heart has put me through. It is befitting that I trust my mind more. So when it says such hurtful things I am inclined to believe them even though somewhere deep within I know it is not true. The voice that says it's not sounds eons away.

I wish my heart had not gone through the pain it did. Maybe then I would be inclined to believe it when it says I deserve the starts and the moon. 

Will I ever be enough?

I don't know. 

But then again what is enough?


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