My Heart

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My heart yearns for someone who will love me. My heart yearns for a soul that will understand me. My heart yearns for arms to hold me.

Dear soulmate, if you are out there. Please make your way to me.

Dear significant other, I am waiting for you. To comfort me when my demons come for me.

My heart is struggling to keep protecting my inner child. Someone please lessen this load I bare.

Does my heart yearn for a romantic love? Or is it yearning for someone to carry the burdens it has been made to bare.

My heart yearns not for a love but for a relief from the darkness it has been plunged into.

Poor heart weep, for the journey to light is still very far.

Poor heart weep, for the demons will come back.

Poor heart weep, for it is your tears we will drown them in.


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