Chapter 3

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"Everyone ready?" Yoongi asks. Jeongguk and his men nod in response. "Good. Remember your positions." Yoongi said before everyone and everything goes silent. Everyone started to scatter to their positions. Jeongguk heaved Yoongi up to the vent entrance on the outside.

"Say the code word if you've been spotted." Jeongguk says, before Yoongi crawls off into the building. They've already dealt with the cameras and men outside, so far the plan has been a success. Yoongi silently crawled through the vents, waiting to give the signal. He looked through the vent holes whenever he came across one.

Soon enough, he came across the one that laid above the room Jimin was in. Yoongi pressed on his earpiece, making sure he could hear Jeongguk. "I found Jimin. No one's in the room but him. Barge in, I'm going to get Jimin." Yoongi said, Jeongguk replied with a simple answer. "Okay." Yoongi grabbed a screwdriver that he had in his pocket and pried open the vent opening.

Yoongi grabbed it before it could fall and make a loud noise. He sets it in-front of him before carefully and quietly climbing out of the vent. He let go of the vent, falling to the concrete floor. Landing with a soft 'thud'. Jimin's head instantly perked up at the noise. He was terrified, maybe it was another gang who wanted to kidnap him. Or maybe it was someone sent to kill him. Jimin's breath hitched, staring at the masked person.

Yoongi noticed the boy's reaction, and he quickly removed his mask. "Jimin- Chim. Hey, Hey, Hey,it's me. It's Yoongi, Gummy. Remember?" Yoongi asks, slowly walking up to Jimin. "Gum—Gummy?" Jimin asks, sniffling. "Yeah, Min..I'm right here." Yoongi says, hugging Jimin softly. "I'm here. You're safe." He says, rubbing the sides of Jimin's stomach.

Yoongi uses a bobby pin that he had on him, and undoes the chains on Jimin's wrists and ankles. "It's been so long." Jimin said. "I lost count." Yoongi frowns, pecking Jimin's cheek. "I'm sorry it took so long, baby. They kept moving, so we could never get a lead on them." Jimin put his face in Yoongi's neck. "'S okay." Jimin mumbles. Yoongi rubs Jimin's back.

"Let's get out of here. So we can treat your wounds. Then, you can tell me what they did to you when you're ready." Yoongi says, turning around so his back was facing Jimin. "Get on." Yoongi says, and Jimin does just that. "God, baby, you're so light." Yoongi says. Jimin frowns at his words. "They fed me once every 3 weeks." He sadly replies and Yoongi could feel his eyes water. He was going to make sure no one made it out alive.

He would make sure that they all paid for hurting his Jimin. His Min. His Mochi. His baby. His lover. He wanted to torture everyone slowly. Make them regret what they did to his baby. Yoongi looked around the room. They really secured it. They weren't that smart though. Especially if they left the door unlocked. Yoongi twisted the door knob, getting ready to shoot anyone who tried to kill the two.

Expecting to find enemies he opens the door quickly, but he's greeted with Jeongguk instead. "A few got away, but most of them were killed. Wonho, Minhyuk, and Jooheon got away." Jungkook said. "We got out supplies back too, and I see you have Jimin." He adds and Yoongi nods. "He may not have any visible bruises or wounds, but I know he has some. We should get home quickly." Yoongi says and Jeongguk nods in agreement.

Jeongguk and his gang got home quickly, Yoongi taking Jimin to their personal doctor. Seokjin, or Jin for short. "What is it now— Jimin?" Jin says, once seeing Jimin. "Jimin! Oh my god. You're back. Jimin, oh my god. What are you doing? Set him on the bed!" Jimin commands for Yoongi and Yoongi complied, doing what Jin said to do.

Jin immediately started treating Jimin. He had taken Jimin's shirt and pants off and saw the cuts and bruises and burn marks on his body. Jin frowns. If that's not bad, then Jin shouldn't have looked at Jimin's thighs, they were littered with dark red slashes, like whip marks. They were fresh. Jin carefully treats the wounds with ointment and does some stitches when Jimin would need it. He needed them, twice.

Three stitches on his left collarbone, and twelve stitches on the back of his right thigh, right underneath his cheek. After a long 2 hours Jin finished treating Jimin's wounds, and Yoongi took Jimin upstairs to his room. "Tomorrow, Gummy. Can you call Taehyung? I want to see him, let him know that I'm back." Jimin says quietly and Yoongi nods, placing Jimin down on the bed and softly rubbing his head.

"Of course, Min. I'll do that." Yoongi says, grabbing his phone and looking for Taehyung's contact name. "Rest for now. I'll call Tae now to let him know we'll meet him tomorrow." Jimin nodded. "Thank you, Gummy." Jimin says, doing as Yoongi said and getting in a comfortable position. Yoongi pulls the duvet over Jimin, and walks out of the room to make the call.

Taehyung picked up. "Why are you calling at this hour, Yoongs?" He asks, it sounded like he just woke up. "Sorry. I just wanted to let you know that..Jimin's back. The police found him, and he's home now. He was hurt pretty badly, but he insists on seeing you—" "JIMINIE'S BACK?! I'LL GET READY RIGHT NOW AND COME OVER." Taehyung says, shuffling could be heard and Yoongi sighed.

"Tae, you can't-" "Send me your location. If you haven't sent it in two minutes, I'm tracking it." Taehyung says and hangs up. Yoongi groans, Taehyung's always been like this. "Stupid Tae. You can't fucking come here. Fuuuck!" Yoongi goes back into the bedroom. He sends the location, if he didn't then Taehyung would have found out no matter what.

"Min, don't be upset.." Yoongi says. "He said he's coming over now, didn't he?" Jimin asked and Yoongi sighs. "Yeah." "Why would I get mad? Taehyungie's always been like this. I just fear that he'll find out about..ya'know." Jimin says. "I know. If he comes here, he's going to figure it out." Yoongi rubs his temples. "Jeongguk and Namjoon will be pissed." He adds.

"There's nothing we can do." Jimin says, sighing. "I really didn't want my Taehyungie to find out about this. He has such a perfect life, knowing this it'll ruin it." Jimin frowns. "It's fine Min. As long as nothing bad happens here. Then we should be okay." Yoongi says rubbing Jimin's head. Jimin nods. "Yeah, like Jeongguk walking in with his gun in hand and blood dripping every where." Jimin laughs and Yoongi chuckles.

Yoongi looks at his phone after hearing it ring. "Ah. Taehyung said he's here." Yoongi put his phone away. "I'll bring him up." Yoongi pecks Jimin's cheek and Jimin smiles. Yoongi goes downstairs, to the front door and opens it. "Holy fuck, when did you become rich and get a fucking mansion?"

That's the first thing that came out of Taehyung's mouth. He walked in, looking around the place. "Pft. The interior is really shitty." He says, and Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Shut up. Let's go to Jimin."

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