Chapter 14

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The hand wrapped around Taehyung's waist is what lead to the shooting, the bleeding, and the screaming. Bogum was pissed, pissed that another man was holding what he though was his property. "I'm going to cut that hand off." Bogum hissed, taking out his gun. He had called for backup before getting out of his car earlier. Jeongguk smirked, tightening his grip around Taehyung. "Try it." He said, before taking his jacket off and looking at Taehyung.

He wrapped the jacket around Taehyung's shoulders, ignoring the hateful glare Bogum gave him. "Sit in the car and wait for me, okay?" He says, blocking Taehyung from Bogum's view. Taehyung bit his lip lightly, chewing at it before getting into the closest car. He got in the backseat, nodding behind the passengers seat as he watched through the window.

Jeongguk looked at Bogum. "No need to pull any weapons out. I just want to have a chat." He says, making a hand gesture that made his men put down their guns that were aimed at Bogum. Bogum scoffed, not lowering his gun. "A chat? What kind of chat?" He asked, his eyes narrowed. "Nothing much. Just a little discussion where I remind you that I'm Jeon Jeongguk. I control these lands. I own your little group, and your hideout." He chuckled. "I thought you'd know..that this is my territory and you're not leading any gang. They accepted you because I said so. They said you were the leader because I said so. If I knew that you were Taehyung's ex I wouldn't have told them to do so. I would have told them to bring me your head." Jeongguk finishes.

"The men you called for your pathetic little backup, they're my men. They won't help you. You're alone. I suggest you put your gun down, turn your ass around, get back in that car, and leave. Never show your face again." Jeongguk hums. "Or else..I'll have your head." He said, tilting his head. A small, playful smirk on his face. Bogum was shocked. The Jeon Jeongguk, standing in front of him, with his ex. The one he loved dearly, was stolen by Jeon Jeongguk. He clenched his fists, lowering his gun. "Fine." He said, turning around. He was going to get Taehyung one way or another, even if that meant defying the mob boss.

He wasn't going to back down, he was thinking, thinking of ways to get Taehyung as soon as possible. To bring him back into his life, own him again, make him do whatever he wanted, feel his body again. He wasn't going to let that go, he would be back for Taehyung sooner, or later.

Jeongguk watched Bogum drive away, smirking to himself. He then turned, walking to the car and opening the door. "Hey Tae. Miss me?" He chuckles, getting in the backseat with Taehyung. Taehyung bit his lip, a few tears escaping his tear ducts. He hugged Jeongguk quickly, his arms wrapped around Jeongguk's neck. Jeongguk smiled softly, holding Taehyung close. He had one arm wrapped around Taehyung's waist, rubbing his sides. His other hand came up to Taehyung's chin and lifted it, making him look at the mob boss. "I'm glad you're okay..despite the cuts and bruises." He says, before placing a soft kiss on the smaller's lips.

Taehyung molded into the kiss, hugging Jeongguk closer. Their lips perfectly matched each other's, like they were created for each other. Which is exactly what they were, created for each other.

Taehyung had a blush in his cheeks when they pulled away from each other. Jeongguk chuckles, placing another soft kiss on Taehyung's lips. "Let's go home, yeah? Hyuntae is really worried. He wanted to sleep with his daddy." Jeongguk says, Taehyung smiling softly and nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go home please."

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