Chapter 6

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"Yoonie, baby! Aww how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while! Come in, come in!" Their mother says, motioning for Yoongi to come in smiling an obvious fake smile. "You too, Taehyung." She says rather coldly, and turns her attention back to Yoongi. "Why have you come? You usually call before coming over. Was it a surprise? Oh! I love surprises! What'd you get me? What's the news? Finally break up with that faggot?"

Yoongi clenches his fists, clearly getting angry at his mother for calling Jimin a faggot. "He's not a faggot mother. And no, I don't have a surprise for your sorry ass. Tae came to get Hyuntae." Yoongi said harshly, glaring at their mother. "Oh my." She starts. "Hyuntae, Honestly I forgot about that kid." She sighed. "He was hand full, always crying for his 'daddy' god it was annoying." She said, clear annoyance in her voice.

"I locked him in his room two days ago." She shrugged. "Hasn't cried since." "YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" Taehyung yelled, stalking over to his mother and slapping her. "How could you do that to a 6 year old! He's fucking 6! God! Get out of my way, bitch!" Taehyung yells, pushing his mother away and quickly made his way up to Hyuntae's room. Yoongi glared at their mother.

"You don't hate me, right Yoonie?" She pleads, tears forming in her hateful eyes. "I've always hates you." He simply replies and walks up to Hyuntae's room as well. The door was busted open, and Taehyung was hugging Hyuntae, he looked awful. His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes and his eyes were puffy and red. He also looked a bit skinnier then usual. Taehyung was crying, so was Hyuntae. Complaining that he was hungry and his body felt weak and it hurt.

"Hyunie, I'm so so sorry. Daddy's here. It's okay baby, we'll get you food okay? Daddy's going to take you away from this awful place. Don't you worry, nothing can hurt you anymore." Taehyung softly whispers. Hyuntae sniffles, hugging his daddy and nodding. He knew his daddy was also right, no matter what he trusted his daddy.

"Let's pack some clothes and toys, hm? Pick out your favorite toys and I'll pack your clothes baby." Taehyung says and Hyuntae nods, doing what he was asked to do. Taehyung stood up, wiping away his tears. He had to be strong for his son. "Hyung, can you help me pack some clothes and take them out?" Taehyung asked and Yoongi nods. "Of course." He says softly, knowing that his little brother was at a weak point right now.

Yoongi and Taehyung both pack enough clothes for Hyuntae, and Hyuntae has picked out some of his favorite toys that his daddy and uncle have gotten him. "That's a good boy. You're so good." Taehyung says, rubbing Hyuntae's head gently. "We can go now daddy?" Hyuntae asks in his small voice and Taehyung smiles softly, and nods. "Yes baby, we can go now." Taehyung picks Hyuntae up, and Hyuntae cuddles into his fathers embrace.

Yoongi takes the bags of clothes, and Hyuntae holds onto his toys he chose, since they were small toys. Yoongi leads the way, and Taehyung follows him. They both ignored their mothers pleas and begs. Yoongi shot her a nasty glare when she tried to grab onto his arm.

They left the house, it was suffocating. Taehyung took a deep shaky breath. His son was with him, and he didn't have to worry about his mother again. What kind of grandmother could lock their grandchild in their room? Especially without food or water. It's just terrible. Something bad could've happened. It also doesn't help that Hyuntae has asthma.

"Hyunie~ What do you want to eat?" Taehyung asks and Hyuntae smiles small. "Wendy's please." He says and Taehyung smiles. "Of course baby. We'll get wendy's." Taehyung says, strapping Hyuntae into the car seat that was already in the car. Hyuntae smiles at his daddy and Taehyung pats his head gently. He shuts the door and gets in the passenger seat while Yoongi was in the drivers. "Wendy's it is." Yoongi says, and he starts the car and drives off.

He goes to Wendy's and they go through the drive through. Yoongi order's chicken nuggets, fries, and apple juice for Hyuntae and Yoongi orders what he wants. "Tae?" He asks and Taehyung hums. "Just fries." He replies and Yoongi nods, ordering another large fry. The employee tells them the total. Soon enough they got their food and Taehyung gave Hyuntae his meal, smiling at him softly before Hyuntae starts eating.

Yoongi drives back to Taehyung's home. Taehyung was going to get his things and leave quickly. That was his plan, anyway. Taehyung got out of the car, and smiled at Yoongi. "No, it's okay. I'll be out in at least 20 minutes. If I'm not, then come in and get me." Taehyung smiles and Yoongi nods. "Alright."

Taehyung goes inside, praying that Bogum wouldn't be there. He unlocked the door, his hands shaking terribly and he pushed the door open. No sign of Bogum..yet. Taehyung sighed softly, walking in. All of the lights were off and it didn't look like Bogum had came home yet. Taehyung smiles at himself, going up to his shared room with Bogum and quickly getting a suitcase. Bogum could arrive home at any minute.

Taehyung didn't waste anytime i'm packing. He quickly packed, putting clothes and necessities in the bag. Once he was done, he opened the closet and grabbed a jar that was at the top shelf. He opened it, and took out all of the money that was there. It was Taehyung's money after all. He just kept it hidden from Bogum. Taehyung shoved it in his pocket and put the jar back and closed the closet door.

Taehyung grabbed his suitcase and left the bedroom. He wrote a note, saying that he was done and don't try to contact or find him and stuck it on the fridge. Then, he left the house. He was lucky, not running into Bogum. Taehyung smiled, he felt free and he was going to feel that way for a while. Taehyung put the suitcase in the back of Yoongi's car and got in. He buckled up, and looked at Yoongi.

"Let's go."

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