Chapter 15: Around the Lake

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I feel like I'm making these chapters too long, am I? Oh well! Hope you'll enjoy~ next chapter will be up soon~


Jin ended up being the one to inform McGonagall about the situation, because the boys felt that, as the Headmistress, she should know. Jimin had gone downstairs to the ground floor with the other five, but he had turned to the greenhouses to inform Professor Longbottom about everything as well. They left Trelawney out, because going all the way up the astronomy tower would take too much time.

Time they didn't have, because the Thunderbird was already here.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook were running out of the castle. Luckily they hadn't been seen by any ghosts, who usually roamed the corridors on the ground floor. They wouldn't hear the end of it if any of the ghosts like Peeves found them.

Once they were outside, they became more nervous. Jungkook had seen the magical beast fly to the castle only minutes ago, so it had to be here somewhere. However, they couldn't see it.

Where was it?

What was it doing?

Was it hiding?

They had all decided together that after they'd informed the teachers, they would wait outside Hagrid's house and search for Taehyung together.

The only thing that lay between the four boys and Hagrid's house was a big, open piece of grassland and some stairs, none of which would cover them from being seen by the dangerous beast that was waiting to attack.

"Alright, how are we going to do this?" Jungkook asked, staring at the distance they would have to run.

"Let's just go for it." Namjoon said, shrugging.

"No strategy or anything? What if the creature pops up out of nowhere?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi shook his head. "Nah, Joon is right." Those three words were music to Namjoon's ears. "Just run as fast as you can."

And so they did. Continuously checking if there was a lightning-controlling creature in sight, the four boys ran all the way to Hagrid's house. Jungkook immediately started knocking on the door, calling out Hagrid's name a few times in the hope of waking up the half-giant.

The door opened soon and Hagrid's sleepy face welcomed them.

"Jungkook? Namjo- wha- what are the four of you doing here? It's way past midnight! Also, it's pouring outside, ye will get sick!"

"Hagrid, haven't you heard the thunder? Isn't it too loud to be normal?" Jungkook immediately started. "You have to believe us, Hagrid. There is a Thunderbird somewhere around here. It's going to attack."

Hagrid's sleepy eyes finally opened fully and he looked at Jungkook in surprise. "How do you know this?"

Jungkook looked at Yoongi for a second, not really sure what would be the right thing to say.

It was Namjoon who answered, though.

"Please, Hagrid, there is no time to explain things. The school is in danger. You have to get the other teachers. They won't believe us."

Hagrid took a second to process things before nodding at Namjoon and looking around.

"Alright, of course, I believe ye." He said. "Let's get ye back to the castle."

"No!" Hoseok exclaimed, making Hagrid look at him strangely. Hoseok looked nervous and hesitated.

"Why not?" Hagrid asked.

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