FF XV|| Prompto x Reader ~ Trigger

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||Pronouns: She/Her||

||Artwork not mine!!||

{ Name }

"Did you hear?"

"Of course! Another person was killed last night..."

"Not one, four people. All shot in the head."

"Wait actually? Oh Eos..."

"This time they were thrown in a river. Someone saw blood mixed with the water and called for help. They were able to pull out four bodies. I really hope it was only four. . ."

"I know. If there are any more bodies just being pulled with the current. . . I don't want to imagine it. But how did the bodies even get in there? Isn't the water frozen?"

"I guess it was warm enough so the ice wasn't very thick. I don't really know how it works, but whoever killed them planned it out."

You frowned as you listened to the conversations going on around you. Over the past six months, a new serial killer had awoken inside the kingdom. No one knew who it was, what they looked like, or even what gender they were. There were never any witnesses, they always died. There hadn't been any evidence either. The murderer was always super careful when killing, but they seemed to love spilling more blood than necessary. 

There were at least three deaths a week. If there were any more, people could only assume there were too many witnesses, or the killer was in an odd mood. Every death included a shot in the forehead or the neck to kill them. There was no pattern in the victims, it seemed to just be anyone the murderer saw. There couldn't be any curfew, as the murders could happen anytime and anywhere. Sometimes there were even people found dead in their own homes.

The only thing each victim had in common was the type of bullet. They all seemed to be from the same gun. Not many people in the kingdom had guns, so the kingdoms police force had tracked down all the people that owned any and tested the bullets, but none were a match. They continued to search, but the person seemed to hide it well. They may have stolen it, but who knows? You certainly didn't. 

You scrolled through your phone, trying to entertain yourself as you finished your drink. The café was quite weird, no one was allowed to leave with any food or drinks, which was unlike most you had been to, but you weren't complaining. As long as no one came up to you or became annoying, you quite liked it there. Your phone then went off, signaling a message.

Ignis: Come outside { Name }, we need to go meet Noctis.

You quickly downed the rest of your drink and threw away the paper cup as you replied and ran outside, finding the regalia waiting, top up as there was supposed to be a thunderstorm later that day. You jumped into the passenger seat and waited for Ignis to explain.

"Noctis said he saw someone in the plains this morning," Ignis briefly explained.

"You mean the ones Daemons took over?" You questioned. The last time someone tried clearing it out, they came out in critical condition and, sadly, died. 

"Precisely. We must hurry. Noct thinks it has something to do with all the murders."

You frowned. You and Noctis had been close friends since you were young kids, even though he was two years older than you. He had always been the person to jump to conclusions, even if they made no sense whatsoever. He knew he wasn't always right, but he always had trouble admitting it. He'd always felt the pressure to know everything and he did his best to meet the expectations to be king. He'd learned how to assess the situation from a distance, and though he was quite skilled at understanding it quickly, there were many times it had been too dangerous and he didn't listen.

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