KH|| { Part 1 } Axel x Reader ~ Cheater, Cheater

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||WARNINGS: Cheating, Mentions of Abuse (abuse doesn't actually happen, but there's threats of it)||

||Pronouns: She/Her||

||Artwork not mine!!|| 

{ NAME }

"Oh, wake up already!" You groaned as you felt someone push your side. You groggily shoved their hand away, but it only wrapped around your wrist and pulled you out of your soft blanket.

You opened your eyes, squinting from the light. You could see red hair, and you knew it was your boyfriend, Axel. You groaned again and attempted to pull your wrist away.

"Get up! Xion and Ventus are waiting and you're making us late!" As he finished speaking he threw your wrist back down beside your head and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

As you got ready, you thought about Axel. Just one month ago, you two were perfect. He loved you as much as you loved him. You told each other everything, cuddled, hugged, talked a lot, anything two people in love would do. Then, one day, things changed.

Axel started spending more time away from you, never explaining where he was or who he was with, only that it 'didn't concern you.' You asked Roxas and Xion, but they claimed they didn't know. The red head would roll his eyes when he walked through the door and saw you. He shrugged you off when you tried to start a conversation, sometimes yelling or threatening to hit you.

You didn't know what caused this, but you knew that if you stayed it would only end in pain. So, for the past week you had been looking for an apartment to move into, and you had packed all your stuff. Today you two were going out with Xion and Ventus, and tomorrow you were leaving.

Axel didn't even notice your missing belongings.


The next day, you woke up unfazed by the fact he was gone.

You frowned, wondering what happened that made him so angry with you. All you wanted to do was talk to him, but he was serious about hurting you. That was more than obvious.

You grabbed your bags. You knew taking furniture would piss the red head off, so you had already gotten all new stuff for the new apartment. You only really needed to take your clothes, bathroom essentials, and smaller things you had gotten for yourself such as books or movies. Axel wasn't very interested in fiction anyway, he preferred spending time with real people.

You looked down at the piece of paper in your hand. You didn't want to see how happy Axel would be knowing you were leaving, so you wrote a note instead. Then he could be free, without you as baggage.

He was so obvious about not loving you anymore, so why hadn't he broken up with you already?

You shook your head and set the paper on the table, along with your key to the front door. And with that, you left.



"Axel!" I lifted my gaze to the brunette boy in front of me as he glared at me.

"Yes, Sora?" I let a small smirk play across my face, already having an idea what this was about.

"Stop. Insulting. { Name }. If you really don't want to be with her then just break up with her! She didn't do anything that caused her to deserve being trashed by you!" He yelled, anger overtaking his soft face.

I felt an annoying feeling bubble up inside me. What did he care about my girlfriend? It shouldn't matter to him. I broke their friendship a long time ago!

"I'm not going to break up with her. Everything is just fine the way it is right now."

"Okay? You call that okay? It's toxic Axel! You're cruel to her for no reason. Breaking up with her and forgetting about her is better than what you're doing now!"

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