FF VII|| Sephiroth x Reader ~ My Queen

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||WARNINGS: Manipulation, kidnapping||

||Pronouns: She/Her|| 

||Artwork not mine!!||

||OC in the chapter, Shin. No inspo, just a random person||


Sephiroth had been through a lot in his life. He went from hero to villain. From loved to hated. Sane to crazy. As much as it seemed like he no longer cared for others opinions, he couldn't help but feel hurt at the fear held in others eyes.

Sephiroth hadn't ever loved anyone. Yes, he had friends that he cared for, but he never felt anything more than friendship. Most people were too intimidated by him to befriend him, but Genesis and Angeal accepted him. Zack did as well, but that was only short-lived. Zack died too soon, and Cloud took his place. Perhaps Cloud would be a friend, rather than enemy... If only Zack were alive.

As Sephiroth stood on the tower hovering over the burning city, he stared at the destruction he had caused. He had gone through city after city, each time losing hope on finding the one person that could give him the affection he'd wanted for so long. 

He didn't want an equal partner, but he wanted them to be strong. At least, physically strong. Perhaps their mind could be broken, that would make his job easier. Sephiroth knew whoever he found wouldn't be perfect, not at first. If his partner was already broken-minded, it meant he would have less trouble breaking them himself. Though, if his other wasn't already broken, it meant he would have some fun.

The silver haired male shook his head in disappointment and left the city to die in flames.

Weeks later, Sephiroth caused five more cities to fall. Five more failed searches. Since he had left SOLDIER, he had been more determined to find a lover, since he had lost the only friends he ever had. 

"Where are you?" Sephiroth asked, the wind pulling his words further down the path he was on. Just before he could fly away, he heard a faint voice. Curious, he began walking in the direction he heard it come from. 

When he got close, he saw two people, one male and one female. The male was tall, with jet black hair, one red eye and one black eye. He wore all black and had a thin sword in hand. The female was shorter than both Sephiroth and the male she stood by. She had { e / c } eyes, {h / c } hair, and wore all grey. She had two daggers in her hand, seemingly about to attack the male.

"Now, I'm not gonna hold back { Name }," the male said to the girl.

"Don't worry Shin, I'm gonna beat you anyway," the girl smirked at him. They nodded to each other and then launched into battle.

Sephiroth watched in amazement as the girl overpowered the larger male. Sephiroth knew this boy would be a good opponent if the two ever faced each other, so seeing as the girl won their fight, he couldn't help but wonder. . .

. . .is she the one?

Pretty soon, { Name } kicked the males weapon away and had him pinned against a nearby tree, one dagger behind his neck and the other pressed to his throat. The male was obviously shocked, but Sephiroth couldn't blame him. He would never have guessed when glancing at the girl that she was so skilled in combat.

After seeing that, Sephiroth knew.. He had to have the { e / c } eyed girl.


That night, Sephiroth made his plan. After following the girl to see where she would be for the night, he went to an abandoned building he had once found that only had one exit. He found it quite a nice place to live and decided he'd use it for himself, seeing as the one and only Cloud Strife always seemed to want to fight him. If the building only had one exit, then Sephiroth could lock it up, and his girl would be trapped in there forever. 

He kept his eyes on the girl for hours into the night before she finally decided it was time to sleep. She seemed to have a hard time actually sleeping, and that bothered Sephiroth, as he was quite the impatient man. 

After a good half hour, she finally seemed to be out of it. Sephiroth rolled his eyes and entered the room, picked her form up, and took her away.


{ Name }

Waking up, you freaked out. Your wrists were chained behind your back, your ankles were shackle together, and your mouth was gagged. The room you were in was cold and dark, and though your eyes had adjusted to the darkness, you couldn't make out anything in the room. Perhaps there was nothing even in it?

You weakly struggled against your bonds, still tired from your sleep. How had you even gotten here? You knew you were in your bedroom when you fell asleep, and you knew all the windows and doors in your house were locked. Who had made the effort to break in and kidnap you? Why you, of all people?

"I see you're awake, my little { Name }," a deep voice spoke, scaring the hell out of you. You tried to speak, but the gag prevented you from doing that. You moved your eyes to scan the dark room, and you finally noticed the tall dark figure in the corner of the room. You wanted so desperately to ask him so many questions, to attack him, to break free, anything to get answers.

"I've been searching for you for years. . . I started to think that I'd never find you. Your nearly perfect. . . but nothing in this world is born perfect, it has to be sculpted into the perfect being. That's exactly what I'm going to do with you. I'm going to break your mind and piece it back in the way I want it.... because, my little { Name }. . . You're my Queen."


To the person that requested this chapter, here you go! I thought this was a really good idea due to the fact that the final fantasy VII remake is going to be out in a few days. I'm so fucking excited to play it!! My dad already pre-purchased it on his PS4 and he has a demo. I asked him about it and he said I can play it.

Also, this years been weird. Yesterday my state literally had pretty much all four seasons, and an earthquake, and the quarantine stuff. Fun fact: my state hasn't had an earthquake since 1983. My parents don't even remember it... so that's fun. Because of quarantine and I won't have to do school stuff for a while, I'm hopefully going to be writing more on here, and since Final Fantasy in out soon and I'll be waiting for my dad to finish it so I can take over, I'll probably try getting more of these out. Also, if anyone plays Yandere Simulator, I'm currently working on a chapter for yander-kun, and I'm working on making some for the male rivals. I'll also try to work on something for Legend of Zelda soon, and I'll try to think of other games that have characters that seem like they could actually have a yandere side to them. 

This was a long authors note... and I doubt anyone read it, but if someone did, please tell me what you think about my ideas!


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