Chapter 18

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Several months had passed by since the day of the end of The Darkness. Once the unholy creature had been trapped away in it's prison again Lyssa Rathmore had traveled to the Kingdom of the Royal Witches to deliver the box and form an alliance between the two Witch Covens. The Guardians had returned with the remaining Elders back to New Haeven to rebuild a new place for them.

With New Haeven being rebuilt their allies returned as well, Elias Clan and Vincent's Pack. A new Elder was picked to lead the new age of Light. Nicole had recovered from her wounds and spent time keeping her promise to Noah by finally explaining everything to him. Sara thought they made a cute couple, James had started volunteering at City Hall to help the Mayor rebuild everything, Sara had a feeling he was just doing it because he liked the Mayor but that was just her thoughts.

What had taken place on that fateful day had taken its toll on her Guardian, Lillian hadn't recovered from killing Ronin, locking herself away from the world. Sara still visited her often to make sure Lillian was okay, each time she could see it eating away at her once beautiful and outgoing friend.

Now Lillian was just a shell of her former Guardian self. Isadora had come to New Haeven after weeks of them talking back and forth, she had come to support Sara through everything going on right now. Sara was glad to have someone to talk to about all her thoughts and feelings.

Today Sara had brought Isadora and James with her to visit Lillian. The food that Sara had brought the other day left untouched on the floor, the room was dark and huddled in the corner was Lillian who hadn't eaten in days, dark circles around her eyes from not haven't slept.


Sara called out quietly but her friend didn't respond, this had been the normal for weeks.

"I brought Isadora with me, the woman I was telling you about"

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you" spoke Isadora, still no answer.

James stepped forward clearing his throat.

"Lillian it's James. I know losing Ronin has been alot for you and it's been a lot for me too but I've found a way to bring back his soul"

This was the first Sara was hearing about this but the words seemed to spark something inside Lillian because she stood turning to face them, light back in her face for the first time Sara had seen in months.

Her Lillian was back.

"Where do we start".

The End.

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