Authors Note and Disclaimer

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Are you ready for Dom Mingkwan?

This story came out of nowhere. It showed up while I was working on All The Sex They Never Had: 2Moons Edition (now known as Loving You, Loving Me and I couldn't shake it. It ignores a lot of the markers for the progress of MingKit's relationship according to the original story which is how it ended up getting a place of its own.

It is, however, still within the context of the original story outline.

So what if Ming wasn't so considerate? What if he decided to test Kit's boundaries and made an unexpected discovery? What does this mean for him and his relationship with Kit?

This is a work of fiction using characters from the novel series เดือนเกี้ยวเดือน (Moon Courting Moon) a.k.a. 2Moons by Chiffon_cake. No infringement on her claims to said copyright is intended in the creation and publication of this work.

I do not claim ownership of the characters or the setting(s) in which they are represented. The story created is a work of my imagination and is intended for entertainment purposes only. No financial benefit is derived from writing or publishing this story.

Many thanks to Chiffon_cake who first brought MingKit to life.

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