Chapter 3: Demands and Desire

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Kit's POV

It had been days since he and Ming had consummated their relationship.

Pha had returned to campus the day after the incident in the science faculty but it had taken Wayo a little longer to return. The Fairy Angel's Gang formed a protective phalanx around Yo in a literal sense while Forth and Ming made sure no-one even thought of trying anything on him by offering up suitable threats of bodily harm to those who dared or even just dared to imagine.

Pha, Beam and Kit offered the last line of defence and made sure no one thought they could say shit about Yo or Pha without facing the consequences. It also helped that Pha was twice as possessive and probably three times as demonstrative in public as usual (although that was probably his normal level and he, up till now, had just been trying to be considerate).

It was a very effective protective circle and because he too was inside it, Kit felt a little more at ease.

Except that he was secretly obsessing over Ming. The memory of everything that had happened sending blood to all the wrong places at the wrong time. Kit felt like his face was permanently flushed and he was always hard or close enough that even one vivid memory of that night could send him there in an instant.

That is why he was more than happy to follow along with whatever distractions were available. Phana and Yo were it for the moment. That should have been a warning of sorts, what with everyone so worried about Yo. Kit should have expected that Ming would be there as well; after all he was Wayo's best friend. But when he saw the two engineering majors enter the Science faculty cafeteria that afternoon nearly a week after their first union Kit was still not prepared for the sight of his boyfriend.

His heart started beat faster. His hands were clammy. His face was hot and red and he felt like his throat was made of sun scorched sand paper. He was lucky that all the attention was on the engineering moons because if anyone had seen him take a large gulp from glass of water he filled from the jugs on the table they would have thought he was sick.

Yeah...he was definitely coming down with nasty case of the Ming's.

But their attention was diverted and it saved Kit some embarrassment. Even when his boyfriend sat down beside him and put a hand on his leg, he didn't look directly at him. Instead they listened to Yo complain about all the attention and Phana writing off his concerns with more affection than was strictly necessary in the company of others.

Then when Forth suggested the getaway, the excitement about that caught everyone's interest. Except he realized Ming wasn't paying as strict attention to the conversation around them as he should. He'd moved so that his body was pressed against Kit's side so the smaller man was forced to move his shoulder forward to accommodate him. Then he felt Ming's hand teasing the hair on the back of his neck as everyone discussed the details of their proposed trip; when and where they were going to go.

The Fairy Angel's Gang disappointment masked Kit's moan of pleasure when Ming leaned close to his ear and whispered, "You are just like a KittyKat...when I stroke you, you purr."

He would have smacked his boyfriend but that would have drawn attention to them. So he endured the touch without saying anything. Vowing to get back at Ming the minute they were alone. Payback would be well worth the wait.

Except his plans were deferred because their afternoon schedule were completely different. The medical gang had one class and then free time thereafter. With exams so close they were going to have to spend every free moment studying. Forth had labs until late while Ming had class until four and was free from then onwards. Yo and the Fairy Angel's Gang had class all afternoon and would not let out until five. So as they parted ways there was the unspoken expectation that they would have to coordinate their joint activities later.

Which is why the call that came in the minute Ming's class was finished surprised Kit. He looked at the caller ID then around to be certain Ming wasn't lurking around somewhere. "Hello...."

"I'm going to be done with my class at 4:30. I want you to be ready for me when I come to your place."

Kit stared at his phone for a minute like it had just turned into an alien instrument of his impending torture. Who the hell does Ming think he is talking to? There is no way I am going to do what he says? And he dares to hang up on me like he's some kind of boss. Kit called Ming's number back but it went straight to voicemail. He hang up and tried again but got the same result. He was about to leave a message when he changed his mind.

"Ugh...!" He yelled attracting the attention of Phana and Beam.

"What is wrong with you?" Pha asked surprised by Kit's sudden outburst.

"Can I catch up with you guys later?" He asked of his friends.

"I thought Ming still had class?"

"What makes you think it has anything to do with Ming?" Kit asked defensively.

"Does it have something to do with Ming?" Beam asked like he was well aware of the answer and seeing Kit squirm was too entertaining to pass up.

"Ugh...just...never mind." Kit said as he rushed to his car and drove to his dorm room in record time.

He was standing in the bathroom looking at himself in the vanity mirror when he realized he was actually contemplating doing what Ming had suggested. Have I really lost my mind? Am I really going to do whatever that crazy kid decides just because he asked for it? Absolutely not.

The decision made, he moved to his bed and unpacked his book bag and picked up the sheets they were supposed to be studying. He lay them out on the bed and tried to figure out if there was a method he could use to take all the information and stuff it into this head and make sure it would stay there. Maybe another mnemonic phrase he thought. But he feared, at that point, he would need a mnemonic phrase to remember all his mnemonic phrases!

Kit couldn't concentrate.

He got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom then stopped and walked back to the desk and sat down but seconds later stood up and paced the length of the room. He picked up his phone like he expected there to be a message or some sign from Ming that he was joking but it was silent and still.

"This is insane. I can't just..." But he didn't have a reason for anything he was doing.

Did he want to be with Ming? Of course. Did he want to make love to the other man like they had done before? Just the thought had him shivering with anticipation. What would happen if he didn't do what Ming asked?

That he didn't know but he didn't want to find out...not just yet. So there really wasn't any reason not to do as he had been asked, was there? The rhetorical question hang heavily on his mind until he threw the sheaf of papers in his hand on the desk and went to the bathroom.

He stomped the whole way there. He slammed the door like the act would ease some of the frustration riding him. He opened the medicine cabinet above he sink like he had a vendetta against its continued attachment to the wall and when he slammed the little door shut, he thought the glass might break but it held against his ire. Then he looked at the supplies he'd picked up from the pharmacy a few days ago (in secret preparation for this exact thing) and proceeded to do as he had been instructed.

The clock by the bedside read 4:27 when he finally emerged from the bathroom. Kit wasn't sure if Ming expected him to be dressed or not so he kept on his boxers and a t-shirt. It was mostly in consideration for opening the door when the other man arrived but he had a mind to leave the door open and take of his clothes and slip under the covers.

Then he remembered what had happened to Yo. The idea sent a cold shiver down his spine. So he stood in the middle of his dorm room and waited. Watching the seconds ticking by. Anticipation building and nervousness rising. Until he heard the knock on his door and nearly came out of his skin in fright.

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