Chapter 4: Ownership

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Ming's POV

There was a vision of what he expected in his head and then there was the reality. Seeing Kit standing in front of him with nothing but his underwear exceeded every expectation and imagining Ming had ever had.

For a moment, he couldn't move. His body was singing with the blood racing through his veins, thundering in his ears making him deaf to everything but the need to take his man and destroy his every ability to exist without him.

Ming wanted to be his breath, his life, his reason for being.

"Come here." He demanded of his boyfriend and nearly fell to the ground when Kit walked right up to him without protest. Lifting the smaller man's chin he stared at him. Loving the way Kit worried his lip with his teeth – a dead giveaway of how nervous he was – then tried to look away when he couldn't hold Ming's gaze any longer.

Ming wasn't having it. He wanted Kit's attention on him. All of his attention. If Kit would not give it willingly, Ming would take it and he did – when he leaned down and kissed Kit possessively. Freeing his lip from the hold his teeth had on it and soothing the spot with his tongue until his boyfriend, his lover, moaned with pleasure at his ministrations.

"You are absolutely beautiful." He whispered against Kit's mouth.

"I'm not a girl." Kit protested half-heartedly.

"You are most definitely not. But I love you and I cannot think of anyone whose face I want to spend all day looking at."

"Good heavens...could you be cheesier."

Ming laughed at Kit's discomfiture. It was a common reaction to any compliment he gave and he would mourn the day when the other man would be able to take his words for granted. But until then he would enjoy seeing Kit blush whenever he felt out of his depth.

"I don't know if there is a limit to how cheesy I can be." Ming joked. "Maybe we'll have to check."

" me from it." Kit answered with feigned distress.

"Yeah...and how do you want me to do that?"

Kit was shy enough to be silent at the blatant innuendo. He looked away again. Ming loved it but immediately stopped the other man from his casual withdrawal by kissed him slowly. But the simple action was like lighting the fuse to a powder keg.

The worries that had kept Kit reserved were obliterated. The astonishment that had kept Ming in check was overthrown. The craving for their reunion spurred Ming on and he picked Kit up with his arms around the smaller man's waist and rushed him to the bed.

Laying him down with care. Revisiting their kisses. Caressed Kit's body through the flimsy garments. Teasing his nipples. Tickling his sides. Stroking his inner thigh. Avoiding his centre even though Kit was trying hard to move his pelvis towards Ming's hand in search of his own pleasure.

"Do you trust me?" Ming didn't know what to expect so while Kit considered his question he couldn't help holding his breath.

When Kit nodded, Ming exhaled loudly. "I want to try something but you have to go with me, alright?" Kit nodded again.

Ming divested Kit of the few clothes he was wearing and then took off all of his. The way Kit looked at his body proving very gratifying. But he wasn't about to be distracted from his intent. Not even for the possibility of offering the man he loved a sensual striptease to get them both fired up for the coming activities.

"Where's the lube?"

"In the bathroom." Ming got off the bed and went in search of it returning with the box of condoms that was beside it as well. "These are best kept beside the bed rather than in the bathroom."

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