Chapter 1: Comfort and Kisses

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Ming's POV

The test had been as expected...half of it contained things he remembered learning and could sort of replicate, the other half looked like Greek and he had no idea what the lecturer was talking about so he just made up the answers to ensure there were no gaps in the paper he handed in. Some of the confusion might have been because he was thinking about Yo and the incident earlier in the day. The rest was bad luck because he couldn't remember what he'd learnt in class.

Stepping out of the exam room, the first thing Ming did was check his phone. No messages. He figured that was a good thing. This really was one of those times when no news was good news. But he still needed to find out where P'Kit was. For some reason the whole incident with Park and Wayo made him feel more protective of his boyfriend and he just wanted to make sure P'Kit was alright.

Dialling the familiar number he only had to wait two rings before P'Kit answered.

"Have you heard from P'Pha?" Ming asked without preamble.

"No. But his line messages are showing that he's read what we've sent even though he hasn't replied." His boyfriend answered.

"Do you think we should go back and...? I don't know...just be there for them?"

"I think this is a job for P'Pha. I'm not sure Yo could take us all being there at the same time. Let's give them space and see how they are tomorrow."

P'Kit was always sensible. He could be a tease and a bully sometimes but everything he did came from a place of true caring for his friends...and now Ming was considered an insider and that concern was extended to him. It felt really good to know that the man he loved finally felt the same way about him.

Accepting P'Kit's advice he finally responded with, "Okay. How about you...are you okay?"

"Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

That salty brat, Ming thought. It didn't take anything at all to get him upset again. Only now instead of getting distressed as well, Ming just laughed.

" matter how hard I try not to think about it, I keep imagining it could have been you. It could have been you and I would not have been able to protect you. I would not have been able to...." Ming's voice broke and even he was surprised when the hand he rubbed over his face came away wet.

"Why don't I come over tonight?" Kit asked solicitously. "I don't have early classes tomorrow and neither do you, right?"

"Yeah....?" Ming couldn't hide his surprise. It wasn't like Kit to offer to come over unless he was actively avoiding P'Beam or P'Pha but Ming wasn't about to kick a gift horse in the mouth.

"We can have dinner and watch a movie. How's that?"

"Sounds perfect."

Ming drove to his dorm room with a lighter heart after his conversation with P'Kit. Worrying was so stressful but knowing he could at least hold P'Kit for a while and reassure himself that everything was fine for them gave him hope that everything would be fine for Wayo and P'Pha; given time.

Ming was relieved to get to his room before Kit arrived. The place was a mess. He had books all over the table from his study time, clothes near and on the hamper because he'd been too lazy to pick them after he missed the toss and his bed wasn't made because he'd woken up early to read and had no time to make it after everything unfolded with Yo. Taking the time to pick things up and put them away occupied him well enough that he wasn't worrying for a while.

He'd just come back from throwing out the trash and was putting away some clean clothes when he heard the tell-tale sound of Kitkat's knock. He opened it quickly and smiled at his boyfriend who was fidgeting; shifting his weight from one leg to the other as he waited impatiently. He had a large paper bag in one hand and a bottle of soda in the other.

"I stopped to get food so we wouldn't have to go out again."

Ming loved that idea and said as much as he ushered Kit in and took the bag from him. "Are you hungry now?"

"Not really. I just want...."

Kit couldn't seem to finish his sentence and for once Ming just went with his gut. He knew what he wanted and he took the chance that Kit needed the same thing. So without his usual caution he pulled Kit into his arms and just held him.

They stood like that for what felt like ages. Holding each other. Giving and getting comfort. And after what felt like ages Kit finally sighed and Ming pulled him away with his hands on his shoulders. "Feel better?"


"Me too."

They stared at each other for a long moment without any movement. Then like he'd been hit by a bolt of lightning Ming leaned down and took possession of Kit's mouth. At first it was quick, like he expected Kit to push him away at the first sign of his desire. But when Kit responded to him by matching his movements Ming eased up a bit. Nipping at Kit's lip a little and earning a gasp of shocked pleasure from the smaller man.

"Sometimes I want to eat you." Ming said when he could bare to part from Kit for a second.

The soft moan Kit let out assured him that the other man liked the idea very much.

"Would you let me do whatever I wanted...?" He whispered into Kit's ear. Licking the whorl of his ear and sucking on the lobe.

Kit moaned even louder and turned his head, giving Ming better access to his ear, neck and shoulder. An invitation Ming was more than ready to take. Kissing and sucking on the skin lightly. Listening for the parts that made Kit moan or suck in his breath or hiss with pleasure when his lips, teeth and tongue teased the sensitive nerve endings of his body. Sending jolts of pleasurable sensation through the other man so that he was desperately trying to get closer and closer.

Seeking more of the same but also in need of something else. Ming had to admit he had never seen Kit so aroused and the mere sight of it was enough to light a fire inside him that had long been well banked. Kept under tight control because he knew Kit wasn't quite ready and he was willing to wait. But it looked like the wait was over.

Then again, it might not have been because Kit wasn't ready. Perhaps the smaller man was just waiting for Ming to take charge. To stop being so considerate.

Kit's hands were clawing on his back, pulling up his clothes to get to his skin and running those cool palms over his hot skin. Enlivening his entire body with heat and want and lust and desire. Maybe he was the one who'd been holding them back and the chance to change that had finally come.

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