Chapter 6: Thoughts and Theories

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Ming's POV

Ming was so focused on Kit's possible arrival that he couldn't relax. His pacing included looking at the clock and listening at the door in the hope that he could somehow figure out what Kit was going to do if he just paid closer attention.

The shadow darkening the sliver of space between the door and the floor was easy to notice. Ming knew it was Kit but he didn't know what his boyfriend was waiting for. Then he noticed that the clock was a minute off from Kit's expected time of arrival. Ming waited with baited breath as the seconds ticked by.

He opened the door just as the clock struck the hour. Kit's arm, raised to knock was in the perfect position for him to pull him into the room with.

"Aii...Ming." The smaller man protested.

"Yes P'Kit." Ming answered unapologetically.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Testing a theory." He said cryptically.

"Really?" Kit asked like it was the dumbest thing he had ever heard.

Ming would have laughed at the bravado in the other man's voice if he didn't know exactly how sharp Kit's tongue was and how freely he used it as a weapon. But he was playing for higher stakes. This was about their future...and their present. Nothing would sway him.

Ming didn't answer as he pulled the strap of Kit's bag off his shoulder and placed it on the far side of the bed. "I want to know something and I don't think I can just ask you."

"Why not?" Kit asked frowning deeply.

"Come here." Ming commanded ignoring Kit's question.

Kit walked up to where Ming was standing beside the bed like it was the most natural thing to follow his order.

"Put your arms around my neck."

Again Kit followed the instructions without complaint making Ming smile. He was so happy to see the proof of what was just an idea in his head. He placed his hands around the smaller man's waist so they looked like they were ready to do a slow dance.

"Come closer." Ming insisted.

His hold on Kit light enough that the other man had to move instead of relying on his boyfriend to pull him in. Ming watched as emotions played out on Kit's face. Anger, surprise, desire and then finally acceptance as he took a step forward so their bodies were flush against each other.

Ming leaned down and tipped Kit's chin. The kiss was soft, brief; sweet. It was more like a quick taste than a real kiss but it made Kit gasp and Ming go from merely aroused to fully engaged.

"I want you to clean up." Ming instructed in between the kisses he trailed along Kit's jaw and neck and shoulder. "When you are done, I want you to dry yourself off and come lie on the bed completely naked."

Ming paused and looked up into Kit's eyes to see how he was taking what he was saying. Kit's eyes were closed. A faint blush colouring his face. His breath already faster than usual.

"The same rules apply as before. You cannot touch me unless you ask for permission and I allow it. You cannot come unless I tell you when you can. And you must keep your eyes on me at all times. Is that clear?"

"Ye..." Kit cleared his throat when his voice bottomed out before he could finish what he was saying. His second attempt was clearer as he said, "Yes Ming."

Was there a more precious surrender?

If there was, Ming had never heard, nor seen, nor thought of it. He wanted to brand Kit. Ensure that nobody else ever got to see this side of him. But his lust and longing weighed heavily on him. Ming grabbed the back of Kit's head. Pressed into him firmly. Took his lips in a quick, harsh assault.

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