Chapter 5: Wonders and Worries

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Ming's POV

Ming was blown away.

Not by the sex.

Okay by the sex...but also by how willing P'Kit had been to go with his dictates.

He had expected complete refusal. He had even expected to get an earful when he showed up at his boyfriend's room after giving such an order and not letting the other man speak.

What he had not expected was complete and utter capitulation.

To then take those dictates so brashly given and consider previous instructions like they were part of every interaction had nearly sent him over the edge. Ming was just playing. Taking charge and leaving Kit with no choice but to follow.

Ming knew how nervous P'Kit had been about taking the next step. This was his solution. Letting the other man relax in the knowledge that he didn't have to do anything but feel, was Ming's way of providing comfort and guidance in the uncertainty. Allowing him to let go of his worries and just enjoy.

But the way P'Kit had reacted was far beyond anything he could have ever imagined. Beyond even that!

There was more to this. Ming knew that he wasn't seeing the entire picture because he was so close to the situation but he wanted nothing more than to find out just what was really going on with Kit...and with their relationship.

But his plans were put on hold when the need to study and get through their exams became the priority. For a while whatever he was thinking was tossed so far back in his mind that he didn't even remember to give it the time of day.

Their schedules were insane for the next couple weeks. Between exams and their planned trip to the beach there was no way Ming would have an opportunity to test his theory let alone think of its implications. The time spent together was too precious that his curiosity was forgotten in the face of simply loving and living and studying.

He wasn't worried. They were in this for the long haul and a short break from the usual would have no effect on the overall picture. They had all the time in the world to find out just how far they could go and Ming was willing to wait and see just how far P'Kit was willing to let him. He just had to be patient. Of course he didn't consider just how hard it would be.


Their trip to the beach had not been what Ming expected.

They were all so exhausted from the late nights studying that a fair amount of the time was spent catching up on lost sleep. The rest of it was spent goofing around, messing with each other and rather unexpectedly...bonding.

It was relaxed and easy going...until the call from Phana's parents came through and everything was thrown up in the air.

Arrangements were made. Things set in motion. Their holiday abruptly truncated.

Ming, Kit, Forth and Beam returned to school the day after Phana and Wayo left them. The extra night had given them a little more time to rest but they had all been too worried about their friends to really enjoy it.

Conversations had been carried out in soft tones. Worries whispered when they could not be held in. Quiet reassurance given in the darkness when sleep proved elusive. Tentative kisses. Silenced moans. Shaky breaths. Inaudible cries of the unmistakable pleasure of stolen orgasms. Holding each other tight. Satiated into restless sleep. Roused at the crack of dawn to eat together.

They tried to regain some of the excitement of their arrival but it was harder to pretend everything was alright than it was to admit they were worried and they just wanted to reassure themselves that Pha and Yo were okay. So they took one last walk on the beach. Beam and Forth in one direction, Ming and Kit in the other.

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